(考试时间:90分钟满分:100分选择题(每题4分,共100分: 第1题:填入下列句子中的词语,正确的是。(
2我一直都相信:只要______深,铁杆磨成针。只要艰苦奋斗,终究会有收获。 3本刊内容丰富,图文并茂,欢迎广大读者到各地邮局________本刊。 A.署名工夫征定 B.留名工夫订阅 C.署名功夫订阅 D.留名功 夫征定 【正确答案】C
题: Passage AI was walking along the deserted main street of a small seaside town in the north of England looking somewhere to make a phone call.My car had broke n down outside the town and I wanted to get in touch with the Automobile Associati on.Low gray clouds were drifting across the sky and there was a cold damp wind bl owing off the sea.It had rained in the night and water was dripping from the bare t rees that lined the street.I was glad that I was wearing a thick coat.I could see no call box, nor was there anyone at that early hour I could ask.I had thought I might find a shop selling the Sunday papers or a milkman
doing his job, but the town was completely dead.Then suddenly I found what I was looking for.There was a small post office, and almost hidden from sight in a dark n arrow street next to it was the town's only public call box, which badly needed
a coat of paint, I hurried forward but stopped in astonishment when I saw through t he dirty glass that there was a man inside.He was very fat, and was
wearing a cheap blue plastic raincoat and rubber boots.I could not see his face - he was bending forward over the phone with his back pressed against the glass and didn't even raise his head at the sound of my coming nearer and
nearer.Carefully and surprisedly, I remained standing a few feet away and lit a ciga rette to wait my turn.It was when I threw the dead match on the ground that I noti ced something bright red trickling from under the call box door.
The author was walking through the small seaside town__________. A.late morning B.before midnight
C.early morning
D.late evening 【正确答案】C
Low gray clouds were drifting across the sky and there was a cold damp wind blowin g off the sea.It had rained in the night。the town was completely dead。选C
题: Pa ssage CI will never forget what my old headmaster taught me when I was on ly 15 years old.It was a normal Monday morning, and he was making a speech to th e students on important things in life and about devoting ourselves to what is import ant to us. This is how the story went:An old man lived in a certain part of London, an d he would wake up every morning and go to the subway. He would get the train rig ht to Central London, and then sit at the street corner and beg. He would do this eve ry single day of his life. He sat at the same street corner and begged for almost 20 y ears. His house was dirty, and the terrible smell came out of the house. The neighbo rs could not stand (忍
受 the smell any more, so they asked the police officers to clear the place. The offic ers knocked down the door and cleaned the house. There were small bags of money all over the house that he had collected over the years.The police counted the mone y, and they soon realized that the old man was a millionaire. They waited outside his house to tell the good news to him. When he arrived home that evening, he was me t by one of the officers who told him that there was no need for him to beg any mor e as he was a rich man now, a
millionaire. He said nothing at all. He went into his house and locked the door. The n ext morning he woke up as usual, went to the subway, got into the train, and sat at t he street corner and continued to beg. Obviously, this old man had no
great plans, dreams or anything important for his life. We learn nothing from this sto ry other than staying focused on the things we enjoy doing.
The headmaster told the story to . A. make the students relaxed in the lesson B. inspire the students to think deeply C. show how poor the old man was D. encourage the students to become rich
【正确答案】B 讲解:【解析】第二段可知这个故事出自校长的一次演讲,演讲的目的是让学生了解生活中重要的事情,以及让学生献身于对自己重要的事情。所以目的是激发孩子深思。
第4题:This new coat cost me _____the last one I bought two years ago. A. three times
B. three times as much as C. three times as much D. three tim e much as
【正确答案】B 讲解:这件新外套花费了我两年前买的那件的三倍价钱。选B 第5题:下列各句中与其他三句修辞方法不同的一项是( A.微风过处,送来缕缕清香,仿佛远处高楼上渺茫的歌声似的。 B.光与影有着和谐的旋律,如梵婀玲上奏着的名曲。
C.突然是绿茸茸的草坂,像一支充满幽情的乐曲。 D.树色一例是阴阴的,乍看像一团烟雾。【正确答案】A 讲解:后三句为比喻。
第6题:A. place B. school C. way D. road 【正确答案】C
讲解:根据下文的内容,可知说的是学习知识的方法,故选C 第7题:The project will _____ a lot of money and manpower. A. call back B. call up C. call off D. call for 【正确答案】D
讲解:词义辨析。Call back叫回,召回,回电话。Call up 打电话 call off取消 call for 要求,需要,号召,提倡。选D
第8题:—— What's the weather like today?—— It's (多云. A. cloudy B. rainy C. snowy