3—( 15)
6—( 11)、(15) 11—( 22)
12—( 2)、(7)、(11)、(28) 13—( 11)、(19) 14—( 15)[空调] 15—( 16)[与衣着]16—(2)、(21)[户外] 17—( 5)
第一套: 第1题
2—( 26) 1—( 1)
5—( 6)、( 19) (22) 9—( 19) 10—( 30)
18—( 19)
W: I'm not going swimmi ng in the lake uni ess it warms up outside today. M: Me neither. Unfortunately I think it 'supposed to stay this cold all day. Q: What can be in ferred about the speaker? (a) They don'tenjoy swimming.
(b) They won 'go swimming in the lake today. (c) They don'tknow how to swim. (d) They'll swim in the lake tomorrow.
第二套 第26题
M: I have n 'ttur ned on my air-c on diti oner at all this summer. W: That's surprising, considering how hot its been lately. Q: What does the woma n find surpris ing? (a) The man doesnthave air-conditioning. (b) The man'sair conditioner is broken.
(c) The man hasn'been using his air conditioner. (d) The summer has been unusually hot.
第三套 第15题
M: Did you hear about the big snow storm in Iowa yesterday? Three feet in twelve hours. W: Yeah, and I hear ifsheaded our way. W'e supposed to get the same thi ng toni ght. Q: What does the woma n mean?
(a) She has canceled her trip to town. (b) The snowstorm is getting weaker. (c) The man 'si nformatio n isn 'accurate. (d) They also may get a lot of snow. 第五套: 第6题
M: That' a really n ice rain coat, Lisa.
W: Than ks. I like it, too. If only it had a heavy lining, so I could wear it in win ter, too. Q: What does the woma n mean?
(a) The coat isn 'warm eno ugh to wear in cold weather. (b) She bought the coat last win ter. (c) She needs to have the coat cleaned.
(d) The coat is the only warm coat she owns.
W: That's a nice-looking jacket. It fits you perfectly. Is that something you bought recently?
M: Thanks. No, I ve had it a while. I ve just been waiting for the weather to cool down. Q: What does the man imply?
(a) It's been too warm to wear the jacket. (b) The jacket is too big for him. (c) He doesnt like cold weather.
(d) He did n't buy the jacket un til cooler weather arrived.
M: Hey, the weather report says it 'going to pour today. You should probably put your bike
in the garage before it really starts coming down.
W: En …Why bother? It'bee n through a lot worse and it still works just fine. Q: What will the woman probably do? (a) Take her bicycle to the repair shop. (b) Leave her bicycle outside. (c) Go to work when it stops mining. (d) Check to make sure the garage is dry.
第六套 第11题
M: Do you think you feel en ergetic eno ugh to walk to our study group sessi on toni ght? W: If there is one! I guess you have n't heard the weather reports. Over a foot of snow
is expected.
Q: What does the woma n imply? (a) She doesntthink it will snow.
(b) The location of the session has been changed. (c) The session might be canceled.
(d) She'll probably be too tired to walk to the session.
W: Did you see the weather forecast for this weekend? I can't believe how the temperatures gonna dip.
M: I know. That isn 'my idea what October should be like. Q: What does the man imply? (a) He'used to cold weather.
(b) He expected the weather to be warmer over the weekend. (c) He has never liked the weather in October. (d) He didn'tsee the forecast for the weekend.
第九套 第19题
M: Gee, it keeps raining like this, they'll probably can cel the play toni ght. W: Yeah, too bad they cartjust move to an in door stage.
Q: What can be in ferred about the con versati on? (a) The play will be performed at another location. (b) The woman didn'tintend to attend the play. (c) It isn 'possible to can cel the play. (d) The play was going to be performed outside. 第十套: 第30题
W: It sa tradition. Every New Year'Day my sister and I go skating on the lake. M: Has it bee n cold eno ugh this win ter? Or would you go in doors? Q: What does the man imply? (a) It' bee n too cold to go skat ing this win ter. (b) The woma n can go in doors if she gets cold. (c) The lake may not have frozen.
(d) He also likes to skate in the winter.
M: I 'e got five pairs of pants and seven shirts packed. W: You will be away for a while the n. Q: What does the woma n mean?
(a) She thinks the man has been away for a while. (b) She wants to know when the man will be away. (c) She thinks the man is taking a long trip. (d) She doesntth ink the man has packed eno ugh.
第十二套: 第2题
W: Have n'tyou heard? The field tripsbee n called off because of the weather.
M: But Professor Lane told us just today to meet at four in front of the library, maybe
I can still reach him in his office. Q: What does the woma n imply?
(a) Call for the latest weather report.
(b) Ask the woma n for direct ions to the library. (c) Go to the library to do research for the field trip. (d) Call his professor about the field trip.
M: It 'bee n pouri ng for three days no w. I begi n to won der if it will ever stop.
W: And tomorrow is going to be my day at the beach. But if it doesn 'clear up by the, I
lljust have to forget about that. Q: What will the man probably do?
(a) It started to rain when she was at the beach. (b) She'd like the man to go to the beach with her. (c) The forecast calls for more rain tomorrow. (d) She won 'go to the beach tomorrow if it rains.
M: It sso cold and windy out. This would be a good after noon for a chess match.
W: Yeah, I'd love to, the trouble is I m afraid never figured out the rules. Q: What can be in ferred about the woma n?
(a) She'll play chess with the man this after noon. (b) She does n't know how to play chess. (c) She'll wear a warm jacket to the match. (d) She'd rather not go out with the man.
M: This weather is un believable I can't remember the last time we had such a warm win ter,
isrt it great?
W: Not if you like to ski, it isn 't.
Q: What can be in ferred from the conv ersatio n? (a) The woman has never been skiing.
(b) The woma n has n 'bee n able to ski much this win ter. (c) The warm weather will probably no t last much Ion ger. (d) The woman doesntbelieve the man.
第十三套: 第11题
M: Don 'you just love the hot mid-day sun?
W: I sure do. Unfortunately, it doesntlike my skin. Q: What does the woma n mean?
(a) She often spends time in the sun. (b) The sun has already gone down. (c) Too much sun makes her dizzy. (d) Her skin is sensitive to the sun.
M: Could I look at your bus schedule? I dont want to drive to work tomorrow if it's snowing. W: You'd be better off call ing the termi nal. It's bee n a long time since ve used my
schedule and I m sure it'sout of date. Q: What does the woma n mean?
(a) The bus is usually late when it snows. (b) She's not sure where her schedule is. (c) She cantgive the man a ride to work.
(d) The times on her bus schedule may no Ion ger be correct.
第十四套: 第15题
W: Prof. Nels on, could you please turn up the temperature in here? I m hav ing trouble
concen trati ng.
M: Yeah, I understand. But I don't control the thermostat. Tell you what, I ll talk to
maintenance about it after class. In the mean time I suggest you put on a sweater if ycve brought one. Q: What does the man imply?
(a) He doesnt think the room is too cold. (b) He's already wearing a sweater. (c) He can 'address the problem right now.
(d) He'lltur n up the heat as soon as class is over. 第十五套: 第16题
W: Aren 'you cold? Why aren 'tyou weari ng a jacket?
M: Oh, I overslept this morning so I ran out of the house without liste ning to the forecast. Q: What does the man mean?
(a) He didn'have time to look for his jacket. (b) He misunderstood the weather report. (c) He didn 'know it would be cold. (d) He forgot to bring his jacket. 第十六套: 第2题
W: I ve got two tickets to today'sgame. Do you want to come along? M: It 'llbe on television, besides it's really too cold for me. Q: What will the man probably do? (a) Wear a heavy sweater to the game. (b) Exchange the tickets. (c) Take care of his cold. (d) Watch the game at home.
W: This barbecue sure beats the last one we went to, Ha?
M: Oh that 'right. Every one had to spe nd the whole time in side. Good thi ng the weather decided to cooperate this time around.
Q: What can be in ferred about the con versati on? (a) The women don'want to go to any more barbecues. (b) The guests are late because of the weather. (c) Everybody should help with the cooking. (d) The weather wasn 'good at the last barbecue.
第十七套: 第5题
W: If the weather does n't get any better, we may have to scrap our pla ns for this after
noon's picnic.
M: Don 'give up yet. The forecast says the clouds should clear up by mid morning. Q: What does the man imply?
(a) They shouldn 'tchange their plans. (b) He doesnttrust the weather forecast. (c) They should have the pic nic in doors. (d) He had forgotten about their plans.