Study on corrosive grinding of gears
作者:; 作者机构:; 来源:中国科学 年:2001 卷:000 期:0S1
页码:P.263-266 页数:4
中图分类:TH132.4 正文语种:CHI
关键词:gear grinding additives corrosive grinding
摘要:Careful grinding or honing is usually required in machining of gears in order to improvethe machining quality of gear surface. Thus several grinding additives were used to formulate syn-thetic grinding lubricants similar to superior running-in lubricants. Experimental results show thatthe tooth surface of the produced oblique gear and steel worm becomes extremely smooth aftergrinding at a certain load for about a half to one hour. Especially, the gear surface finished withspecially formulated grinding lubricant reaches mirror-like
smoothness. The quality of the geartooth can be improved by corrosive grinding, while the corrosive grinding time can be controlled
byadjusting the quantity of the corrosive additives and the speed and load of the gears.
Study on corrosive grinding of gears