英语口语具有很强的实践性,英语口语比赛作为重要的实践途径之一,越来越受到教育组织机构和广大师生的重视和认可。小编在此献上口语比赛开场白,希望大家喜欢 各位老师各位同学,下午好! Good afternoon everyone!
There is a great contest to be held in the sunny day! That is our first English contest of class one gread two
这是一个令人振奋的日子,更是一个属于我们的日子。 This is our exciting day and happin day! 意味着我们也能大胆流畅的说英语了。 It means we can speak English,bravely ,easily.
So we say thanks a louder for our English teachers !They have a high regard to our English learning. 预祝本次比赛圆满成功!
And wish this contest enjoy success! 我们的评委老师是 ,
The judges are Miss , Miss , Miss 现在比赛正式开始
evening distinguished judges, ladies and
尊敬的各位领导各位来宾,亲爱的老师同学们,大家晚上好! Welcome Tianhe your host today, my name is Fred! It’s my great College to the English Final competition Speaking of ’m the fifith honor to be here!
欢迎大家来到广东技术师范学院天河学院第5届英语口 语大赛决赛现场,我是今晚的主持人李靖。
Fred,今天能够邀请到这么多的评委和嘉宾到场 我真的感到非常的荣幸啊!
That’s rightso experts in their own fields of specialization.
many excellent !well, we have succeeded in inviting judges and guests who are And guests today
now, let’s meet our honorable judges and 首先,请允许我介绍今晚到场的嘉宾及评委,他们分别是:
I’m long way to take part in the competition. I really glad to see you all, a lot of you all came a appreciate it. Thank you for being here! 由衷的感谢所有的嘉宾和评委 从百忙之中抽时间出席本次的大赛。让我们再次以热烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来.
Ladies and gentlemen,now I declare that the final competition of 5thcontest start.
tianhe college English speaking
现在我宣布广技师天河学院第五届英语口语大赛决赛正式开始。 Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Good afternoon, fellow students.
Today we are very happy and excited, because we are here, holding the First Duduler School English speaking competition.
English is such a beautiful language. We can use it to travel around the world. 英语是一门美丽的语言,用英语我们可以周游世界。 By learning English we can know the people in the other side of the world. What are they like? What are they talking? What are they thinking? 学好了英语口语,我们可以认识全世界不同国家的人,他们是怎么样的,他们在想什么,讨论什么?
In today's show, there are 43 contestants. They come from different classes of different schools. But they have the same aim, that is to practice English. 今天的比赛总共有43名选手,他们来自不同学校不同的班级,但是大家都有一个共同的目标,那就是学好英语。 为了体现比赛的公平性,今天的比赛总共分为3组,一二年级为一组,三四年级为一组,五六以及初中为一组。按每个组的人数比例,一二年级组将设有一个冠军以及一个亚军;三四年级组将设有一个冠军,一个亚军,三个季军;五六初中组将设有一个冠军以及一个亚军。
比赛分为有3个环节。 第1环节是一分钟自我介绍
第3个环节是评委将对每个选手提问。 在此,我预祝本次英语口语比赛圆满成功。 Next,let me introduce our judges. 接下来,让我来介绍我们的评委老师, They are...... Welcome!
My friends, It's time for our players to have their performance. 亲爱的家长朋友们,下面我们将正式进入今天的决赛。让我们用最热烈的掌声为我们的比赛选手们加油!