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A Report on the Translation of “Stories of Five Cities”

I. Task description

The source text is an excerpt from a Chinese essay, “Stories of Five Cities”, written by Yu Qiuyu. This essay is chosen for two main reasons: first, Yu Qiuyu, an outstanding essayist, scholar and artistic theoretician in modern Chinese literary world, has inspired me for many years by his attitude towards culture. Despite all the hardships and dangers, Yu traveled to almost all places of great historical and cultural significance in the world, including politically unstable areas, and wrote eight essay collections to introduce cultural sites and human civilization to the readers. His dedication to culture transmission enriches my purpose of translation and drives me to introduce him to more people.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………Critics believe the play “celebrates the horror of anti-Semitism” (Fiedler 98), and it “constitutes an indictment of the hypocrisy of Christian society” (Zaslavsky 185). Shakespeare uses his controversial “other,” Shylock the Jew, to call the Venetian Christians on their religious inconsistencies. “What startles and delights us is Shylock?s shrewd indictment of Christian hypocrisy” (Bloom 189). Of course, the Venetian citizens do not listen to him. Shylock rightfully asserts, “If a Christian wrongs a Jew, what should his sufferance be by Christian example? Why, revenge. The villainy you teach me I will execute, and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction” (Shakespeare, Merchant 58-61).


II. Process description

As a cultural essay, “Stories of Five Cities” is a challenge for translators since it is necessary to keep both the meaning and the style. In order to perfect the translated text, the translating process was divided into three major stages, with each concentrating on different tasks. A. Preparation before translation

In the very first stage of preparation, it is of great importance to get a comprehensive understanding of both the writing style of Yu Qiuyu and the five cities introduced in the essay. On the one hand, as a renowned scholar, artistic theoretician and essay writer, Yu Qiuyu excels in combining his extensive traveling experience with delicate words.


For centuries Jews have been accused of treacherous acts, including the murder of Jesus, poisoning wells, the ritual murder of Christian children, and the Bubonic plague and controlling the media and the banks. Many of these falsities have roots in historical circumstances, and longstanding fear and misunderstanding. Tragically, these lies continue to be launched against Jews. Without an examination of both historic and contemporary anti-Semitism, students may be left with stereotypical and negative conceptions of Jews and Judaism. (Hassel 254)

B. Process of translation


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C. Issues after translation

The main issue after translation is quality control consisting of proofreading by myself and others.



III. Case analysis

The difficulties and problems encountered during the translation are various but can mainly be summarized as two groups: translation of rhetorical devices and translation of culture-loaded words. A. Translation of rhetorical devices

Rhetoric, also called figure of speech, is “a method to improve the effect of language using by modifying and adjusting the sentences as well as adopting specific forms of expression” (Hornby 1712). There are various rhetorical devices, such as simile, metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, personification, parallelism, euphemism, allegory, irony and paradox, among which the most frequently used ones in “Stories of Five Cities” are personification, allusion, simile, repetition, contrast and parallelism.

…………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………………… 1. Literal translation

…………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………………… Example 1:

Source text: 但是,淤泥下的一切属于记忆,记忆像银灰色的梦,不会有其它色彩。(Line15,Page 54)

Target text: However, all under the silt belong to memory which resembles a silvery gray dream with no other colors. (Line 19,Page 54)




