Registration Form for Overseas Institutional Investors in China’s
Inter-Bank Bond Market
(For Incorporated Entities)
投资者名称: 结算代理备案 ? Settlement Agent
Name of Entity “债券通”备案 ? Bond Connect 申请机构简介 Brief Introduction 注册地: 注册资本: Place of Registration Registered Capital 总资产: 机构类型: Total Assets Type of Entity 成立日期: 资金来源: Date of Establishment Source of Funds 结算代理备案 结算代理人名称: Settlement Agent Legal Name of Inter-Bank Bond Market Settlement Agent 是否提供托管服务 是 ? 否? Custody Service Yes No “债券通”备案 代理备案机构名称: Bond Connect Legal Name of Registration Agent 相关联系人 姓名 职位 电话 邮箱 E-mail Address Contacts Name Position Phone No. 投资负责人 Investment Managers 投资业务联系人 Contact Person on Investment 结算代理机构相关负责人(结算代理适用) Responsible Person of Settlement Agent (if applicable) 结算代理机构相关联系人(结算代理适用) Contact Person of Settlement Agent (if applicable) 代理备案机构相关联系人(“债券通”适用) Contact Person of Registration Agent (Bond Connect) 境外托管路径(“债券通”适用) Overseas Custody Structure (Bond Connect) 第一级 Tier 1 第二级(若有) Tier 2 (if applicable) …… 第 级 香港金管局债务工具中央结算系统 Final Central Moneymarkets Unit (CMU) 是否以QFII/RQFII 身份备案(结算代理适是 ? 获批额度(十亿人民币): 否 ? 用) Yes Investment Quota(CNY Billions) No Register as QFII/RQFII (Settlement Agent) 其他说明 Additional Information 承诺对备案提交材料的真实性、准确性、完整性负责,无虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏。? I/we accept responsibility for the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the submission and declare that there is no false or misleading statement or material omission. 盖章/签字(Official Seal/Signature):