Unit Eight 1. Text analysis 2. Homonyms 3. Using direct speech 4. Uses of quotation marks 5. Punctuation 6. Using reported speech 7. How to write a report a questionnaire on stress 1. Fast reading skills: control problems dictation for detail different types of humor an answer to a problem English proverbs 8. Social interaction information speed training notes langue points processing, skills material Unit Nine 1. Text analysis 2. Translation 3. Word power 4. Reported speech out television interviews 1. Fast reading skills: comprehension dictation information speed training processing, on an issue touched on in notes this unit 5. Free talk 6. Background material langue points Unit Ten analysis talk on the weather 1. Fast reading skills: information speed training notes langue points processing, vocabulary notebooks, using comprehension word families and word dictation about climate change talk formation verbs words and expressions used to 6. Giving a presentation talk about using mobile phones material : summarizing a research report; pros and cons of using mobile phones Unit Eleven analysis more skills in word inference 1. Talking about a TV program 1. Fast reading skills: information processing, such as compound words and 2. Listening comprehension speed training antonyms infinitives words and expressions used to 3. Compound dictation 4. Talking about recent products notes langue points paragraph writing and note-making skills talk about some Overseas about a new product Chinese in general a presentation : planning explanatory and material descriptive paragraphs Unit Twelve analysis 1. Talking about books 1. Fast reading skills: information speed training processing, more skills in word inference 2. Expressing preferences of present participle 3. Spot dictation words and expressions used to 4. Listening comprehension notes talk about some topics about 5. Compound dictation the business world langue points 6. Taking part in a debate note-making skills inference skills more interesting sentences, 7. Background material esp. with participles 第四学期
《当代大学英语综合英语》《当代大学英语听说交互英语》《当代大学英语强化阅读英语》第四册 教学基本综合英语 内容 听说交互英语 强化阅读英语 Unit One analysis 2. Translation skills and informal greetings and development introductions reading skills: information ideas and speed training notes processing, 3..Word power:learning words inquires and expressions appearing in for the text a summary of verb tenses, learning the use of static verbs Unit Two analysis main important figures dictation material and farewells on different 1. Fast reading skills: information speed training notes langue points processing, power: learning receptive and occasions productive words appearing friends in the text dictation 3. Relative clauses of time, a meeting concession 4. Adverbial clauses practice: note-making of material concession 5. Translation skills : Writing summaries provided of in information tabular form Unit Three analysis power receptive and to a speech and making 1. Fast reading skills: notes productive questions in information formal speed training notes langue points processing, words appearing in the text situations comparative forms and some dictation elliptical forms 5. Translation skills 6. Writing a summary of a bar chart Unit Four analysis 2. Word power 3. Translation skills 4. Speech practice 5. Background material for and giving information 1. Fast reading skills: for and giving suggestions information and advice speed training notes langue points processing, 4. Learning to use ellipsis and preferences inversion about report writing dictation dictation a speech material Unit Five 1. Text analysis power skills , accepting and turning 1. Fast reading skills: down invitations arrangements information speed training notes langue points processing, patterns with to +infinitive dictation and –ing forms an argument dictation a speech :invitation to a movie material