English Dictionary 以及Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English),独立解决语言问题,形成良好的自主学习风气。
2.词汇:掌握3,150个单词(其中18%可通过泛读和其他学习项目掌握)以及常用词组。对其中500左右的常用词要求拼写正确, 精读量9,000词,泛读量37,000词左右。能英汉互译,并掌握其用法。
4.听: 听懂英语国家人士关于日常生活和社会生活的谈话;听懂中等难度的听力材料,理解大意,领会作者的态度、感情和真实意图。能在15分钟内听写根据已学知识编写或选用的词数为150个左右、语速为每分钟100个单词的录音材料,错误率不超过15%。
5.写: 能根据作文题目、提纲或图表、数据等,在30分钟内写出长度为120-150个单词左右的短文,内容切题,结构严谨,条理清楚,语法正确,语言能顺,表达得体;并能根据提示在15分钟内写出长度为60个单词左右的应用文。
6.说: 能用英语进行简单的交谈,做到正确表达思想、语音与语调自然,无重大语法错误,语言基本得体。
8.工具书使用:能较熟练地使用各种英汉词典如《英汉大词典》等英汉词典和部分英英词典(如Collins Cobuild College English Dictionary 和Random House College Dictionary),独立解决语言问题和部分知识方面的疑难问题。
《当代大学英语综合英语》《当代大学英语听说交互英语》《当代大学英语强化阅读英语》第一册 教学基本综合英语 内容 Unit One for gist, for detail and for , simple inquires development inference analysis 3. How to learn new words simple present tense(1) sentence patterns 7. Paragraph writing Unit Two 1. How to survey a reading 1. Greetings and 1. Fast reading skills: text 2. Text analysis 3. About verbs 4. Translation 5. Paragraph writing introduction 2. Simple inquiries information processing, speed training notes for main points reading skills: information 听说交互英语 强化阅读英语 processing, speed training 3. Listening for langue points information 4. Informal chance meeting Unit Three 1. Text analysis to use a dictionary complements and answering 1. Fast reading skills: information processing, speed training notes langue points points for reference on questions English for information P65(Teacher’s book) Unit Four 1. How to study more and lending for help for information Dictation to learn 1. Fast reading skills: information processing, speed training notes langue points effectively 2. Text analysis 3. Writing: cause and effect 4. Translation 5. How to draw a pie-chart Unit Five 1. Text analysis 2. Translation 3. How to write better 1. Informal 1. Fast reading skills: meetings and information processing, speed introductions 2. Asking help training paragraphs(1) for notes langue points 3. Listening for information 4. Spot dictation 5. Talking about a book favorite Unit Six 1. Text analysis in the US 1. Fast reading skills: information processing, speed training 2. Different kinds of English for 3. Vocabulary development 4. Translation information: Guessing meanings notes for main points discussion langue points 1. Fast reading skills: information processing, speed training Unit Seven 1. Text analysis and giving 2. Using the present perfect directions tense 3. Translation 4. How to write for detail to conversations notes better langue points paragraphs(2) Unit Eight 1. Group discussion 2. Text analysis 3. Word-formation for detail dictation 1. Fast reading skills: information processing, speed training 4. Using the past perfect and arrangements notes tense 5. Translation 6. How to write better langue points paragraphs(3) Unit Nine 1. Thinking about what one’s 1. Arriving at a 1. Fast reading skills: going to read 2. Text analysis 3. The usage of “as” 4. Translation 5. How to write a summary using a chart thanks and saying 1. Fast reading skills: information processing, speed training notes langue points party information processing, speed 2. Listening for training detail notes 3. Talking about langue points movies Unit Ten 1. Text analysis 2. Compound nouns and their goodbye plurals 3. Translation 4. How to use punctuation effectively 5. Activity: Word search Unit Eleven 1. How to read a graph 2. Text analysis personal inquiries for detail to Spice Girls 1. Fast reading skills: information processing, speed training notes langue points 5. Translation 6. Practice paragraph writing and note-making skills 3. The usage of “some, any, for detail no” 4. Translation dictation Asking for and giving information