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circulation and those disorders related to insufficient arterial flow in the limbs.


例4. orbenin is stable to staphylococcal penicillinase, and highly effective against resistant staphylococci. it is

bactericidal, acid-stable and well absorbed by either the oral or the intramuscular route.


例5. nystain has been found to inhibit the growth of yeast like flora in the intestinal tract.


例6. fenarol has proved to be effective as a striated muscle relaxant.


例7. halcion is a potent short-acting hypnotic agent, which produces its hypnotic activity from the first night of administration.


例8. therapeutically, atp injection exhibits effects, especially such as activation of the function and metabolism of the nerve, and also coronary and peripheral vasodilatation to increase the blood stream.


二、常用词及短语举例 1、动词

absorb 吸收 act 作用

cause (be cause by) 引起(由……引起) demonstrate 显示

exert (action on) 起……作用 exhibit 显示 inhibit 抑制

accumulate 积蓄 administrate 投药 excrete 排泄

result in 导致 indicate 表明 maintain 维持 produce 产生

protect (from) 保护(不变) reach 达到

show 显示,表明 treat 治疗

metabolize 代谢 promote 促进

prevent 阻止,预防 tolerate 耐受 2、形容词

(be) active (effective) against 对…有效的 (be) related to 与……有关的 (be) sensitive to 对……敏感的

resistant to ……有耐药性的 average 平均的 minimum 最低(小)的 maximum 最高(大)的 normal 正常的 3、名词

ability 能力 activity 活性

distribution 分布 excretion 排泄 action 作用

clearance 廓清率

effect on 对…的作用 function 功能,作用 half life 半衰期 in vitro 体外 kidney 肾

mechanism 机理

serum concentration 血清浓度 tolerance 耐受性 infection 感染 in vivo 体内

level 水平,浓度

plasm lever 血浆浓度(水平) toxicity 毒性

药品说明书---药品适用症与禁忌(三) 第四节 适应症

“适应症”最常用的有以下几种表示方法 indications适应症

indications and usage 适应症与用途

major(principal)indications 主要适应症 uses用途

action and use作用与用途


本项中出现频率最高的是疾病名称以及微生物(尤其是致病菌)的名称,如: angina pectoris 心绞痛 cancer癌



来源:翻译界 浏览次数:890 添加时间:2008-7-6


1)对药物性状的说明 it is a white or a faintly yellow powder to which appropriate amounts of water are added to pre pare an off white suspension for intramuscular use or a

yellowish solution for intravenous administration. 它是一种白色至微黄色粉末,加适量水可配制成近乎白色的悬浊液,供肌肉注射用,或配制成黄色的溶液,供静脉注射用。

2)在药物作用方面 it is a bactericidal antibiotic which is resistant to most b-lastamases and is active against a wide range of gram-positive and gram-negative organism. 它是一种抗菌素,不但能抵抗大多数 b内酰铵酶,而且抵抗各种革兰氏阳性和革兰氏阴性细菌。

3)适应症 it is indicated for the treatment of infection before the infecting organism has been identified or when caused by sensitive bacteria. 在感染的细菌未被确认出来,或由敏感细菌引起感染时,适于用它来治疗。

4)用量用法方面 many infections will respond to 750mgt d s by i.m. or by i v. 许多感染可用肌肉注射或静脉注射 750毫升,每日三次即可见效。 5)禁忌症 it should not be used in patients with known sensitivity to the drug 对该药物过敏者禁止使用。 6)不良反应 this drug is generally well tolerated. the commonest side effects associated with it are symptoms

related to the gastrointestinal tract. 该药耐受性良好,最常见的副作用与胃肠道症状有关。 the following adverse reactions may occasionally occur:dryness of the mouth,thirst,


abdominal discomfort and exanthema. 偶尔可能出现下列副作用:口干、口渴、发困、乏力、头晕、心部烧灼感、食欲不振、腹部不适、药疹。

7)注意 an anesthetic effect on the oral mucous membranes may occur occasionally,but may be avoided by swallowing the drug quickly with water without crashing the tablet. 偶尔可能对口腔粘膜有麻醉作用,但若不嚼碎药片,而以水送服,上述作用可以避免。

8)贮存 keep airtight in a dry and cool place. away from light. 密封避光,置于干燥阴凉处保存。

9)剂型(how supplied)10 mg vial containing 10 mg of …as a freeze powder 10 mg. 安瓿,内装 10mg……,冻干粉



