重要天气符号SYMBOLS FOR SIGNIFICANT WEATHER 雷暴 Thunderstorms 热带气旋 Tropical cyclone 毛毛雨 Drizzle 雨 Rain 雪 Snow 阵雨 Shower 雹 Hail 中度飞机积冰Moderate aircraft icing 地形波 Mountain waves 大片雾 Widespread fog 大片吹雪Widespread blowing snow 火山喷发 Volcanic eruption 大片轻雾 Widespread mist 大片沙(尘)暴 冻雨 Freezing precipitation 大片烟 Widespread smoke 严重沙或尘霾 Severe sand or dust haze 严重飞机积冰 Severe aircraft icing 大片霾 Widespread haze 严重飑线 Severe squall line 中度颠簸Moderate turbulence 严重颠簸 Severe turbulence 轻度飞机积冰 Slight aircraft icing Widespread sandstorm or duststorm实时和预报重要天气代码表CODE TABLE FOR SIGNIFICANT PRESENT AND FORECAST WEATHER限定词QUALIFIER 天气现象WEATHER PHENOMENA 强度或趋势INTENSITY or PROXIMITY 1 说明摘要DESCRIPTOR 2 降水PRECIPITATION 3 DZ 毛毛雨 Drizzle RA 雨Rain SN 雪Snow SG 米雪 Snow grains IC 冰晶Ice Crystal 钻石尘(Diamon dust) PE 冰粒(冰丸) Ice pellets GR 冰雹Hail GS 小冰雹和/或霾Small hail and/or 雪丸snow pellets 视程障碍OBSCURATION 4 BR 轻雾Mist FG 雾Fog FU 烟Smoke VA 火山灰Volcanic ash DU浮尘 Widespread dust SA 沙Sand HZ 霾Haze 其它 OTHER 5 PO 尘/沙旋风 Dust/sandwhirls (尘卷风)(dust devils) SQ 飑Squalls FC 漏斗云 Funnel cloud(s) (海、陆龙卷)(tornado or waterspout) SS 沙暴Sandstorm DS 尘暴Duststorm - 小(轻)的 MI 浅的 Shallow Light BC 散片的Patches 中常的Moderate PR 部分的 Partial (无须说明) DR风吹起的低的 Low (No qualifier) drifting + 强的 Heavy BL 风吹起的高的VC 在附近 Blowing In the vicinity SH 阵性的 Shower TS 雷暴 Thunderstorm FZ冻结的(过冷却的) Freezing 冷锋 Cold front at the surface Warm front at the 暖锋surface 锋线和辐合线FRONTS AND CONVERGENCE LINES ETC 对流层顶高度 Tropopause Level 对流层顶高点 Tropopause High 对流层顶低点 Tropopause Low 最大风的方向、速度及所处高度Position,speed and level of max.wind 辐合线Convergence line 热带辐合带convergence zone Intertropical 准静止锋Quasi-stationary front at the surface 零度等温层高度 Freezing level at the surface 锢囚锋Occluded front 标准等压面图例CHARTS FOR STANDARD ISOBARIC SURFACES 等风速线(以节计) Isotachs of wind speed in knots 所选点的风速(短线5节,长线10节,黑三角50节)Wind at selected points(half a barb=5 knots, full barb=10 knots and a triangle50 knots) 所选点的温度(以摄氏度计)Temperature at selected points(degree Celsius) 压力等高线(高度以米为单位)Pressure isohypse(altitude in meters) H L 等压面高压中心Centre of high altitude of the isobaric surface 等压面低压中心Centre of low altitude of the isobaric surface 最大风速区Zone of maximum wind 等温线(以摄氏度计)Isotherm(degrees Celsius) 重要天气图所用的其它符号OTHER SYMBOLS FOR PROGNOSTIC OR SIGNIFICANT WEATHER CU 淡积云Cumulus TCU浓积云Toweringcumulus CB 积雨云Cumulonimbus NS 雨层云Nimbostratus AS 高层云Altostratus AC 高积云Altocumulus CI 卷云 Cirrus CC 卷积云Cirrocumulus 晴空颠簸区边缘Boundary of area of CAT 零度等温线高度指示(若需)Height indication of 0℃ isotherm(if required) 重要天气区边界Boundary of area of significant weather SKC碧空Sky Clear(0/8) FEW疏云Few(1~2/8) SCT少云Scattered(3~4/8) BKN多云Broken(5~7/8) OVC满天云Overcast(8/8) CS 层积云Cirrostratus ST 层云Stratus CUF积状云Cumuliform 缩写(ABBREVIATIONS) BECMG渐变Becoming EMBD隐藏的E,bedded TEMPO短时Temporary OBSC遮蔽的Obsured ISOL孤立的Isolated SQL飑线Squall Line OCNL偶然的Occasionally WDSPR广阔的Widespread FRQ频繁的Frequent PROB概率Probability SC 层积云Stratocumulus LYR层状的Layer DUC高空浓云Denseupper cloud STF层状云Stratiform FM起始时间From TL直到……Till CNS连续的Continuous COT海岸的Coastal LOC局部的Locally MON山区的Mountainous NOSIG无重大变化No significant changeCAT晴空颠簸Clear Air Turbulence