■阅读与写作(10)句子间的衔接过渡 ■英语语言类
■ 英语是世界上使用最广泛的语言,也是许多 国家官方语言,英语受到了全世界人们的关注和 使用,关于英语语言类的文章在学生阅读中会经 常碰到。
■ The English language is a result of the invasions① of the island of Britain over many hundreds of years.The invaders lived along the northern coast of Europe.
■ The first invasions were by a people called Angles about 1,500 years ago.The Angles were a German tribe who crossed the English Channel.Later two more groups crossed to Britain.They were the Saxons and the Jutes.These groups found a people called the Celts, who had lived in Britain for many thousands of ■years.The Celts and the invaders fought.AfteT a while,most of the Celts were killed. or made slaves.Some escaped to live in the area that became Wales.Through the years. the Saxons. Angles and Jutes mixed their different languages.The result is what is called AngloSaxon or Old English.Old English is extremely② difficult to understand.
■ The next great invasion came from the far north beginning about 1,100 years ago.Fierce people called Vikings came from Denmark, Norway and other northern countries .Many English words used today come from these ancient Vikings.Words
, “leg\ “ egg\, “ lift^andtake^are ■ The next invasion of Britain took place more than