关键字:数控改造 机电一体化 国情 学科研究
Along with the science technical fast fierce development, number's controling tool machine has already become the important marking which measures a national machine manufacture industry level.Adopt the economic number controls system to carry on a number to control to turn a reformation to the common tool machine, particularly in keeping with our country the common tool machine own to have great capacity, the small concrete state of the nation of the production scale.The machine electricity integral whole turns a technique to involve a machine, electronics, and control etc. several academicses, is one of the foundation technique and core techniques of modern and industrial most, is the important marking which measures a national development level of the machine material.Although this academics is still be placed in a development a stage, many orieses
are still placed in research and perfect stage, it represents the machine industrial technique revolution of ex- follow a direction, is comprehensive another concrete body of national strength now.Therefore, we should value the research of that academics, and strongly develop this academics, contract to wait with day the United States gradually flourishing nation of margin.This design is to control to turn a reformation to the number of CA6140 common lather.At the domestic, the widely accepted common lather reforms into a number to control lather, this design is to aim at this with the purpose but design of, this lowered production cost and shortenned industrialization of the progress is a large production factory in the meantime, house accept.
This design is mainly to combine local concrete state of the nation and aim at at what large customer design.Far and far can not compare with the accuracy that the equipments of those foreign countries attain.Certainly, the ages is in the development, along with our country of positive with the national strength quickly increase, in the near future those greatly parts of business enterprises that the accuracy requests higher number to control an equipments and must appear in China in.
Key word: The number controls a reformation The machine electricity integral whole turn State of the nation The academics study
目 录
绪论 .................................................. 1 1.数控机床的基本知识 ................................. 2
1.1数控机床的发展趋势 ............................... 2 1.2数控机床的组成 ................................... 4 1.3机床的运动性能指标 ............................... 6 1.4数控机床机械结构的组成、特点 ..................... 7 1.5数控机床主传动系统的特点及其要求 ................. 9
1.5.1数控机床主传动系统的特点 ........................ 9 1.5.2对进给传动系统的要求 ........................... 9
2.总体方案设计 ....................................... 13
2.1设计任务 ........................................ 13 2.2总体方案确定 .................................... 14
2.2.1系统的运动方式与伺服系统的选择 ................. 14 2.2.2计算机系统 .................................. 14 2.2.3机械传动方式 ................................... 14
3.电机的选择和脉冲当量的选择 ........................ 16
3.1确定系统脉冲当量 ................................ 16 3.2电机的选择 ...................................... 16
3.2.1纵向进给步进电机的计算 ........................ 16 3.2.2横向进给步进电机的计算 ........................ 17
4.导轨的设计 ......................................... 18
4.1滚动导轨的优点 .................................. 18 4.2选择滚动导轨的结构形式 .......................... 18 4.3滚动导轨预紧方式的确定 .......................... 18 4.4滚动导轨几何参数的确定 .......................... 19
4.4.1滚动体尺寸和数目的选择 ........................ 19 4.4.2滚动导轨的长度 ............................... 20
4.5塑料导轨的应用 .................................. 21 4.6贴塑导轨 ........................................ 21
5. 纵、横向自动走刀机床进给伺服系统机械部分的设计 .. 22
5.1设计任务 ........................................ 22 5.2总体设计的方案确定 .............................. 22 5.3纵向自动走刀机床进给伺服系统机械部分的设计 ...... 23
5.3.1切削力计算 .................................. 23 5.3.2滚珠丝杠设计计算 ............................. 24 5.3.3齿轮及转矩的有关计算 .......................... 28
5.4横向自动走刀机床进给伺服系统机械部分的设计 ...... 30
CA6140普通车床的数控化改造设计 机电一体化毕业论文