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2019精选教育六年级下册英语试题第三届K6联赛第一轮试卷 河南省 doc

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(考试时间:20分钟,满分: 40分)


1. Let’s go to the science m__________. We can learn a lot there. 2. The __________ (visit) from Italy are very interested in Chinese culture. 3. You should pay a__________ to the traffic lights when you go across the road.

4. On Mid-Autumn F__________, my family are going to get together and have a big dinner. 5. James often travels to other __________ (country).

6. My brother likes eating vegetables. He has a very __________ (health) life. 7. George is a coach. He __________ (teach) children how to play football. 8. It is really an __________ (amaze) film!

9. Thanksgiving Day is on the fourth Thursday in N__________. 10. My father is very tired. He is __________ (sit) on the sofa now.



1) The box is so heavy that I can’t carry it. 2) It is such a heavy box that I can’t carry it.

3) They are such interesting books that I want to read them again. 4) It was such bad weather that I had to stay at home. 5) The box is too heavy for me to carry it. 提示:so+adj./adv.+that+句子

such+a(an)+adj.+单数可数名词+that+句子 such+adj.+复数可数名词+that+句子 such+adj.+不可数名词+that+句子 too+adj./adv.+to do


1. Those were __________ delicious cakes __________ children ate them up in no time. 2. He is __________ sleepy __________ he can hardly keep his eyes open.

第 1 页

3. It’s __________ late for us __________ catch the early bus.

4. This is __________ an important meeting __________ you should come here on time. 5. The teacher spoke __________ fast __________ I couldn’t understand him.



The sports meeting is coming. Everyone in our class is very excited. “I will run,” Tina said. “I am good at that!”

“I’ll do high-jumping,” said Max. “No one jumps higher than me!”

“Then I’ll do the long jump,” said Grace. “I won a prize for it last year, you know!” 从上文中选择适合的单词或短语填入下面的短文,使文章通顺,意思完整。

There is going to be an English Speech Contest next week. Gary was (1)________, because he is (2)________ speaking English. He (3)________ in the last English speech contest. He thinks (4)________ can do better than him in his (5)________.


The seahorse is a very strange fish. Do you know what its head looks like? It looks like a horse. Of course it is not as big as a horse. You can pick it up with one hand. It swims with its head up and tail down.

This strange looking fish often remains still (静止). It will hang on to a bit of weed (海草)with its tail. Then when a small fish swims by, the seahorse will suddenly jump and eat it up.

Mother seahorse lays eggs. These eggs are kept in Father’s pouch (育儿袋). When the eggs hatch (孵化), the babies pop out of the pouch into the sea.


The seahorse looks (1)________. It is (2)________ than a horse. When it swims, its (3)________ is down. The seahorse (4)________ small fishes. Baby seahorses hatches from (5)________.



question surprised one shy friend hand another quietly share new 第 2 页

Daisy didn’t have many friends. She was (1) ________ and quiet. Then it was time for her to go to college (大学) in (2) ________ town. And she had to live with someone she didn’t know. She was not sure if she could make friends in that (3) ________ place.

But something happened during the (4) ________ class. And it changed Daisy’s life. The teacher asked everyone to (5) ________ a little about themselves. Daisy told everyone where she came from and some simple information. The last (6) ________ for each student was “What is your goal (目标) for this term?” Most of the students said it was to get good grades, pass the tests or something similar (相似的). But Daisy said that her goal was to make just one good (7) ________.

When most of the students sat (8) ________, one student came to Daisy. She reached out her (9) ________ and introduced herself. She asked, “Can I become your friend? Daisy was (10) ________ and happy. She smiled and reached her hand out, too.

2019年英语评价材料(初赛)答案与解析 一、填空 1、答案:useum 2、答案:visitors 3、答案:ttention 4、答案:estival 5、答案:countries 6、答案:healthy 7、答案:teaches 8、答案:amazing 9、答案:ovember 10、答案:sitting

二、【考点】so that, such that, too to 1、答案such; that 2、答案so; that 3、答案:too; to

第 3 页

4、答案:such; that 5、答案:so; that 三、阅读理解 A篇:

(1) 答案:excited (2) 答案:good at (3) 答案:won a prize (4) 答案:no one (5) 答案:class


(1) 答案:strange (2) 答案:smaller (3) 答案:tail (4) 答案:eats (5) 答案:eggs

四、词语运用 (1) 答案:shy (2) 答案:another (3) 答案:new (4) 答案:first (5) 答案:share (6) 答案:question (7) 答案:friend (8) 答案:quietly (9) 答案:hand (10) 答案:surprised

第 4 页

2019精选教育六年级下册英语试题第三届K6联赛第一轮试卷 河南省 doc


