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Dog\name. 1949 The first vegetarian hot dogs came out. (1)Americans started the tradition of eating hot dogs at baseball parks in ___________. A . 1871 B . 1893 C . 1901 D . 1949

(2)It's believed that the name \ A . Tad Dorgan B . Charles Feltman C . Chris Von Der Ahe D . Johann Georghehner

(3)What can we know about hot dogs from the passage? A . New Yorkers like eating hot dogs most in the world. B . Germans eat about 150 million hot dogs each July 4th. C . A world record says someone ate 73 hot dogs in 10 minutes. D . About 21 million hot dogs were sold in America in the 1860s. 5. (5分)阅读理解

I am Turere. I come from Kitengela, a farming community on the edge(边缘) of Nairobi National Park of Kenya(肯尼亚). Since the age of nine. I have helped to look after my family's cows. As a child, in my free time. I enjoyed playing with electronics. I made my own inventions, such as electronic toys from car parts and other things. I also built other electronic devices(仪器) for my neighbors.

At the age of 13, I invented something that changed my life. It also changed the lives of many people in my community. One night, a lion from the park came into my family's farm and killed one of our cows. I was angry. However, killing the lion, I thought, was not the best way to solve the problem. Instead, I decided to invent a solution

The first idea I got was to use fire, because I thought lions were scared of fire. But I came to realize that didn't really help, because it was even helping the lions to see through the cowshed (牛棚). So I didn't give up. I continued.

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And a second idea I got was to use a scarecrow(稻草人). I was trying to trick the lions into thinking) that I was standing near the cowshed. But lions are very clever. They will come the first day and they see the scarecrow, and they go back. But the second day, they'll come and they say, this thing is not moving here, it is always here! So he jumps in and kills the animals.

So one night, I was walking around the cowshed with a torch(手电筒), and that day the lions didn't come. And I discovered that lions were afraid of a moving light. So I had an idea.

(1)What was Turere interested in when he was a child? A . Tricking the neighbors. B . Looking after cows. C . Playing with electronics. D . Making car parts

(2)What does the underlined word \ A . The lion. B . The scarcer. C . The cow. D . The cowshed

(3)What's the solution to driving the lion away? A . Using a moving light B . Using a torch C . Using a scarecrow

(4)What can we get from the passage? A . The lion killed all the cows. B . Turere killed the lion at last. C . The lion no longer lived in the park. D . Turere's invention made peace with lions.

三、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共1分)

6. (1分)任务型阅读

(1)请仔细阅读四条信息,并根据信息内容,把它们与A-D四幅图片的活动进行匹配,然后完成问题。 Yuan Yuan from CCTV is interviewing people in four different places on the phone. Here're their messages.

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________ Saturday, 10:20 a.m. Hi, it's Bill. Jack and I are at the A. beach in Hawaii. Come and join us! Don't worry. We're not swimming. It's quite cool! See you! ________ Saturday, 11:15 a.m. Hey, Lily. This is Peter. I'm in Los B. Angeles with friends. They're playing tennis, and I'm watching. It's nice and sunny here. Bye! ________ Saturday, 8:45 a.m. C. Hi, Lily. This is Yoko. I'm calling from Lake Tahoe. Lisa and I are skiing today. It's cold here. ________ Saturday, 9:20 a.m. Hi, This is Peter. I'm in New York D. with Helen. It's windy here. We are flying kites now. What about in London? Bye! (2)From the four messages, we can know Yuan Yuan is . A . an artist B . a reporter C . a guide D . a singer

四、 单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)

7. (1分)The man is happily ________(描述)what he saw during his winter vacation.

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五、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)

8. (1分)阅读短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空白处填入一个适当的词或用括号中词语的正确形式填空。

Dear Anna,

Thanks for your letter. I'm happy you like your new school. I go to school ________ Monday to Friday. We ________ five classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. And we have many ________ to learn, like Chinese, math, English, P.E., geography, music, history and so on. We have many things to do after class, ________. On Monday and Wednesday afternoon we ________ sports after class. On Tuesday afternoons, some of ________(we) have a drawing class, and on Thursdays, some have a dancing class. I like music, history and English. ________ I don't like music. Every day I'm ________ but happy. ________ Saturdays and Sundays I don't go to school. Usually I go to the park and have a 6________ time with my father and mother there.

Lin Hong

六、 书面表达 (共1题;共1分)

9. (1分)暑假临近,同学们在享受假期的时候,一定要注意安全。请你根据下表中的内容要点,代表学生会用英语写一封署假安全倡议书,号召大家过一个安全、快乐、有意义的假期! 交通安全 活动安全 食品安全 娱乐安全 ⒈遵守交通规则,不闯红灯;⒉不再街道上追逐打闹 ⒈不私自下河游泳:⒉进行体育锻炼时,不要弄伤自己 ⒈吃健康食物,不吃垃圾食品:⒉ …… ⒈在上网时不向陌生人提供个人信息:⒉ …… 1)词数:90词左右。正文开头结尾己给出,不计入总词数: 2)作文应包含所有要点,可适当发挥,使短文通顺连贯 参考词汇:遵守obey 垃圾食品junk food Dear friends,

Summer vacation is approaching. Please keep safety in mind when enjoying the holiday.

In short, safety comes first. I hope everyone will have a nice and safe summer holiday. That's all. Thank you!

Students' Union

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一、 完形填空 (共1题;共1分)


二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共17分)















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