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2017人教新目标版英语八下Unit 8《Have you read Treasure Island yet》练习题1

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2017人教新目标版英语八下Unit 8《Have you read Treasure Island yet》word练习题1

Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet


Ⅰ、 Translation、

1、 朝……跑去 _______________ 2、 一块陆地 _______________ 3、 出海 _______________

4、 放下;记下 _______________ 5、 赶快 _______________

6、 lose one’s life _______________

7、 science and technology _______________ 8、 French class _______________ 9、 full of _______________

10、 think about _______________

Ⅱ、 Fill in the blanks with the given words, using their proper form、 1、 That boy found a bag full of _____(treasure)、 2、 Have you finished _____(clean) the classroom?

3、 All the students hurried _____(go) back to the classroom、 4、 She has already _____(read) The Adventures of Tom Sawyer three times、

5、 There are so many books、 I haven’t decided which book _____(buy)、 6、 How surprising! We can use paper boat _____(travel) in the sea、

7、 This term the students are learning _____(grow) vegetables and flowers in the garden、

8、 The boy can’t wait _____(open) the gift box、

9、 We won’t give up _____(look) for the lost kids、

10、 The workers _____ already _____(make) more than 10 ships、 Ⅲ、 Complete the following sentences、 1、 ——它怎么样? ——非常棒。

-_____ it _____? —It’s fantastic、 2、 我已经读完它了!

I _____ _____ _____ _____ it!

3、 至少您已经读过书的背面,了解了它的大致内容了吧?

Have you _____ _____ read the back of the book to see _____ _____ _____? 4、 但就是我已找到了那条船, 并造了一条小船.

But I _____ _____ the ship and _____ a small boat、 5、 还有谁在我的岛上?

_____ _____ is on my island? 6、 她已写完信了。

He _____ _____ _____ his letter、 7、 我还没读完那本书.

I _____ _____ the book _____、

2017人教新目标版英语八下Unit 8《Have you read Treasure Island yet》word练习题1 8、 问题就是下一步做什么。

The question is _____ _____ _____ next、 9、 王老师教我们英语已经有三年了。

Mr Wang _____ _____ us English_____ _____ _____、 10、 她已砍伐了许多树建了一座房子。

He _____ _____ _____ _____ trees and built a house、 能力提升

Ⅳ、 Choose the best answer from the given choices、 1、 —___ you washed your dirty clothes? —No, I haven’t、

A、 Have B、 Do C、 Did D、 Are 2、 -___

—It’s fantastic、

A、 What’s the movie about? B、 What’s the movie like? C、 Have you seen the movie? D、 Is the movie a classic?

3、 My teacher hasn’t told us our grades ___、

A、 already B、 yet C、 then D、 still 4、 —Has your mom read the back of the book? -Not yet、 She is only ___ page 100、 A、 at B、 in C、 to D、 on 5、 ___! There is only five minutes、

A、 Look up B、 Get up C、 Hurry up D、 Stand up

6、 When Jim arrives ___ the island, he will light a fire to tell us、 A、 at B、 in C、 on D、 by

7、 Look, there are several ___ in the middle of the lake、

A、 land B、 lands C、 piece of lands D、 pieces of land 8、 ___ do you know in this class?

A、 Who else B、 Who other C、 Else who D、 Other who 9、 All the students ran ___ the playground after class、 A、 of B、 in C、 with D、 towards 10、 —Why did Robinson ___ the man Friday? -Because that was the day Robinson met him、 A、 name B、 say C、 ask D、 tell

2017人教新目标版英语八下Unit 8《Have you read Treasure Island yet》word练习题1 Answers

I、 1、 run towards 2、 a piece of land 3、 go out to sea 4、 put、、、down 5、 hurry up 6、 失去生命 7、 科学技术 8、 法语课 9、 充满 10、 考虑

Ⅱ、 1、 treasures 2、 cleaning 3、 to go 4、 read 5、 to buy 6、 to travel 7、 to grow 8、 to open 9、 looking 10、 have; made Ⅲ、 1、 What’s; like 2、 have already finished reading 3、 at least; what it’s about 4、 have found; made 5、 Who else 6、 has finished writing 7、 haven't finished; yet 8、 what to do 9、 has taught; for three years 10、 has already cut down

Ⅳ、 1-5 ABBDC 6-10 CDADA

2017人教新目标版英语八下Unit 8《Have you read Treasure Island yet》练习题1


