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and how to get it.

5. They tend to be worried about consequences of what they do.

6. She had a good time but she wouldn’t necessarily want to relive it. 7. No. She’s happy at her age now.

Age is a Sensitive Subject

P.29 1. Why is age a very sensitive subject to many westerners? [a. they know

how much people …].

2. How could you make people very happy when talking about their age according to

the passage? [d. take 10 years …]

3. What does the passage say about many middle-aged people in the West? [c. they

feel flattered bein…]

I hate birthday

1. What is one of the reasons why Edward hated birthdays? [a. because it reminds

him that he’s getting older.]

2. Why did Edward’s aunt call him one day? [b. to invite him to a birthday party

for his cousin.]

3. What can be the best topic of the story? [c. an unwanted present(一个不受欢


4. What lesson can be learned from the story? [ a. Carelessness(粗心) can result

in great embarrassment]

Unit 4 Personal budgets

Part A Exercise 1

1. W: To be honest, I always seem to run out of money toward the end of the year.

M: Well, you should follow a month-by-month plan.

2. M: I am really having trouble with money lately.

W: Have you thought about the Financial Aid Office财政援助办公室? A lot of

students go there when they are in financial trouble.

3. M: Emi, I am sorry to say that I can’t make ends meet使收支相抵 this month.

W: I don’t think it would be a problem if you cut down on the discs you buy.

4. W: My goodness!我的妈呀! It is only 15th, but I have almost spent all my monthly income.

M: You should start living within your means.你应该按照自己的方式生活 5 W: Eric, you said you’ve buy a new suit. Have you saved enough money for it? M: Well, to tell you the truth my finances are really tight right now. Keys: P.31

1. what does the man mean? [d. the woman should have a monthly spending plan.] 2. what can we learn about the Financial Aid Office? [c. it might help to solve

the man’s problem.]

3. what does the woman imply? [a. the man should stop spending too much money on


4. what does the man mean? [d. he thinks the woman should not spend more than she


5. what does the man mean? [ d. He has given up the idea of buying a new suit at


Exercise 2

1) weekly 2) fixed 3) fair 4) teenager 5) discs

6) an excellent way to teach their children the value of money 7) they learn to budget their expense

8) they will have no money to spend by the end of the week.

Part B

Conversation 1

Saving and spending money

Interviewer: Hi, Rob, do you try to have money? Rob:

Sure. I am a student. I have to save money.

Interviewer: Well, how do you save money? Rob:

Well, I try not to shop in department stores or malls except when things

are on sale. I never pay full price(全

价). And I really like shopping in outdoor markets---you can usually find some real bargains(讨价还价) there.

Interviewer: How about you, Kathy? Do you try to save money? Kathy:

Of course. See, I am not interested in having the very latest or the most

buy clothes at a thrift(节俭,节约)

fashionable things. I sometimes

store. But, well, I think I still look pretty good, don’t I ? Interviewer: Oh, yes, you look very good actually. Kathy: on sale.

Interviewer: Oh, well, thank you very much Kathy. And you, Cliff? You try to save money too, don’t you? Cliff:

Oh, sure. And the best way to do that is not to pay people to fix things Thanks. I bought my shoes in regular store(常规的商店), but they were

for you.

Interviewer: What do you mean? Cliff:

Well, I try to fix things for myself, like fix my car or…or repair things

things done by myself. Last year I

around the house. I like to get

spent all my after-work hours doing plumbing work. I even installed a

bar counter in our basement.去年我花了我所有的下班后时间做管道的工作。我甚至


安装了一个吧台。 Interviewer: Great! Cliff:

And before I go grocery shopping, I cut coupons(优惠券) out of the

newspaper. That way, I can save a lot

of money on food and, you know, household(家庭的,日常的) things. I also look for things that are on sale.

You can save a lot of money that way, too. Interviewer: Well, thanks a lot, Cliff. Keys: Exercise 1: P. 34

1. what seems to be the main topic of the conversation? [c. ways to save small amounts

of money on a daily basis.]

2. what is true about Kathy? [b. she knows how to make herself look good with less


3. what do you know about Cliff? [c. he enjoys fixing things around the house after


4. what can you learn from the conversion. [b. buying things on sale is what all

three do to save money]

Exercise 2: Rob:

1) department stores, malls 2) outdoor markets

2) things are on sale

2) coupons

3) that

Kathy: 1) thrift store

Cliff: 1) fix things for himself

are on sale Conversation 2

Sounds like you have a budget problem

Tim: Hi, Carina. You look upset. What is up?

Carina: Well, I am trying to figure out where all my money has gone.

Tim: You’ve lost your money? Was there a burglary(入室盗窃) at your place? Carina: No, no. I seem to have spent all my allowance(津贴,零用钱) for this month. Now I don’t even have money to go out and eat.

Tim: Hey, I thought you had a good part-time job at the mall.

Carina: I do. I work about twenty hours a week, and the pay’s not bad, nine dollars and fifty cents an hour.

Tim: Really? So that’s, what, a hundred and ninety dollars a week…times four weeks…so that’s seven hundred and a bad income for a student!

Carina: I know. And my parents send me two hundred and fifty dollars a month, too. But…

Tim: Wow, that’s more than one thousand dollars a month. And you can’t live on that?

Carina: No, I only manage to save about ten dollars a month. It is a drag!(这是一个阻力)

sixty dollars a month. Hey, that’s not



