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4. What did the man on the phone suggest? [c. that the woman have her hair done by another hairdresser.]

5. How did the woman feel in the end? [a. pleased.]

Exercise 2: 1. He is the woman’s favorite hairdresser. √

He has an appointment with another customer. √

He is a popular hairdresser at the Unisex Hairdresser. √ 2. Tom is just as good as Marcel. √

Tom can quickly figure out the best style for a particular customer.

Tome has never done the woman’s hair before. √

Unit 2 Animals and pets

Part A Exercise 1

Passage 1

Dear Sir,

I’m writing to say how shocked I am by the amount of money that people in Britain spend on their pets.

A recent article in your newspaper informed us that last year Britons spent 660 million pounds on dog food and 516 million pounds on food for their cats.

Are we completely mad? Every day on TV we see pictures of people who have no food at all. A few pounds would buy them food for a week. Even in Britain there are many people without work and homes. A little money could make a big difference to them couldn’t it? But it seems that in Britain animals come first. Perhaps it is time to think again.

Yours faithfully, Ms D.Walker

Key: P.12 Q: what does the letter mainly tell us? ( a. the money spend by Britons… )

Passage 2

One of the main complaints of the city residents in the United States is the number of homeless cats and dogs. It has been estimated that more than 31 million cats and dogs are wandering through the streets of the cities. Each year about a fifth of these animals are destroyed. A survey of 41 cities reports that as much as 15 million dollars is spent to capture and kill those animals every year. One city alone, Chicago, spends one million dollars a year to control its animal population. On the other hand, though you can find quite a lot of cats and dogs wandering in New York, the city government can’t find any money for animal population control.

Keys: Q. What is the passage mainly about? (b. Problems caused by homeless ….) Exercise 2

1. Mrs. Bush had been giving her students a very long and not very interesting lecture to animals. When she finished, she decided to ask a few questions. She started off with this question. “Now, Tommy, tell me where elephants are found.”

Tommy hadn’t done much listening, but he pretended to be clever, saying, “Elephants are such big animals that they hardly ever get lost.”

2. An angry customer went back to the pet shop and said to the owner, “The cat you sold me is absolutely useless!” The owner looked at the cat and said,

“What’s wrong with it? It looks perfectly all right to me.” The customer became furious and said, “When you sold it to me you promised it would be a good cat for mice. Yet every time it sees a mouse it runs away and hides.” The owner smiled and said, “Well, isn’t that a good cat for mice?”

Part B Conversation

Choosing a Pet

Attendant: Hello. Can I help you?

Customer: Yes. I’m looking for a pet for my son. Can you suggest anything? Attendant: What kind of pet does he want? A traditional pet-a cat or a dog? Or something unusual?

Customer: Well, He’d like a snake or an alligator(鳄鱼), but he isn’t going to get one.

Attendant: We have a nice dog right now -a Rottweiler(罗特韦尔犬)!

Customer: A Rottweiler! Oh, no! I’ve heard about them on the news. They’re very big and mean(卑鄙的).

Attendant: Oh, no, ma’am .They weren’t as mean as some dogs. Customer: Really?

Attendant: Yes, really. Last week we had a small dog here. It was only as big as your purse(钱包,手提袋), but it was

as mean as the devil(魔鬼). It bit me three times! Customer: Let’s forget dogs, then. Attendant: What about a cat?

Customer: A cat. Hmm … They aren’t as friendly as dogs, are they?

Attendant: No, but they don’t eat as much as dogs either. And they’re very clean. Customer: Hmm…

Attendant: What about a bird then? A parrot or a parakeet. We have both. Customer: Which do you recommend?

Attendant: Well, parakeets(长尾小鹦鹉) aren’t as easy to train, and they never speak as well as parrots(鹦鹉).

Customer: Yes, but parakeets don’t need as much space as parrots, do they? Attendant: That’s true. Parakeets are very popular because they are so easy to keep.

Customer: Yes, but they’re a little noisy, aren’t they? I want a quiet pet. Attendant: A quiet pet? Well, what about a goldfish? There’s nothing quiet as a goldfish.

Keys: Exercise 1: P. 14

1. What was the woman doing? [c. asking a pet shop attendant(服务员) about what kind of pet is good for her son]

2. What kind of pet did the woman have in mind?[d. something quiet]

3. what kind of pet did the woman’s son prefer? [b. very unusual one like a snake or an alligator]

4. what can you conclude from the conversation? [d. the woman was hard to please] Exercise 2: A Rottweiler: big, mean

A cat: clean, less than a dog, friendly A parrot: more

A parakeet: Easy to keep, less, parrot, a little noisy A gold fish: Quiet


Dog Plays “Mother” to Tiger Cubs

People at a zoo in China have used a dog named Balu to play mother to three newborn Siberian tigers.

The newborn tigers of the Shanghai Wild Animal Park, including one male and two females were abandoned by their mother. They were very much in need of being breast-fed and the zoo called for Balu.

The first time the 7-year-old bitch acted as a tiger’s mother was five years ago when a Siberian tiger became too sick and weak to feed her four babies and the park had to place an advertisement for a replacement.

Since then the animal owned by a farmer from Nanhui has been asked to play mother for 12 tiger cubs on four occasions.

Officials from the park came calling for her services two months ago shortly after she had given birth to her own two puppies.

Park spokesman Su Feilong recalled: “She was very strong at first sight. Though the tiger cubs were much bigger than her, she regarded them as her own children and fed them wholeheartedly.”

Balu has now takes to breast-feeding both her own and “adopted” babies, according to Shanghai Daily.

Mr Su told the paper: “She is a loving mother, especially to those tigers. When those naughty cubs fought against her own puppies, she never got angry with them but tried to make them quiet with a gentle hug.” Keys: Exercise 1: P.16

1. Where does the story take place? [c. in a wild animal park in Shanghai.]



