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First Impressions 初遇相识 dialogue 1

Steve: Mary, how was your date with john? 玛丽,你和约翰的约会怎么样?

Mary: it's ok. It seems we have a lot in common. 还可以.我们好像很投缘.

S: oh, really. That is great news. What does he look like? 真的吗?太好了.他长的怎么样? M: he is tall and slim, fair-haired. 他身材高挑,金黄色的头发.

S: sounds like he is pretty cute. What do you think of him? 听起来长的很帅,那你对她印象怎么样啊

M: he is a nice guy and very considerate. I was impressed with how smart he was and he has a great sense of humor. 人不错,非常体贴,知识渊博,又很幽默.

S: oh, it's love at first sight. When will you see each other again? 啊,看来你是一见钟情了,下次什么时候见面?

M: he didn't say, but he said he would call me. 他没说,不过他说会给我打电话.

S: maybe he is busy with his work. Just wait and try not to think about it too much!


M: oh, steve. Stop it! I am a bit nervous! What if he doesn't call? 哎,苏珊,人家本来就很紧张了.如果他不大电话怎么办呢?

S: come on, Mary, you're a total catch. I bet he will call you. Don't worry. 别担心,玛丽,你这么讨人喜欢,我保证他会打电话的,别担心. M: thank you, Steve. You're always so encouraging. 谢谢你,史蒂夫,你总是不断鼓励我. S: that's what friends are for. 别说这些,我们是朋友嘛 dialogue 2

S: you know, Mary, I feel we meet somewhere before. Where were you born?


M: I was born in Beijing, but I spent most of my childhood in London.

我在北京出生,后来去了伦敦。 S: what was your childhood like? 你的童年生活怎么样?

M: I had a pretty strict upbringing, and my parents taught at an university so they have extremely high expectations for me.

我小时候家教特别严,我父母以前是大学老师,对我期望特别高。 S: where did you go to university? 你在哪里上的大学?

M: my parents wanted me to stay in Beijing, but I decided to go back to England. I graduated from University of Newcastle upon Tyne with a degree in Cross Culture Communication.


S: what is your current occupation? 那你现在做什么工作呢?

M: I am a journalist. I write for China Daily. 我做记者,在《中国日报》工作。

S: did you know that you wanted to be a journalist right after your graduation?


M: no, I didn’t. I started working at a university in London but as time went by, I found I did not really like my job. I decided to explore other fields. Journalism is great fit for me as well as a challenge.

没有。我最初在伦敦一所大学教书,颗后来我觉得自己并不喜欢当老师。于是就决定尝试一下其它领域。新闻工作对我来说不失为一种新的尝试和挑战。 S: do you like your current job? 那你喜欢你现在的工作吗?

M: yes, I came to Beijing two years ago looking for new opportunities. I was lucky because my friend introduced me to my current company.

是的,两年前我来到北京,希望找到新的机会。当时很幸运,一个朋友介绍我进了现在的公司。 2

Dating 与爱相约 dialogue 1

I: I wonder what he looks like. Oh, I can't wait to see him! His email said he'd be wearing a white hat.(looking around for him) oh, there he is.

我真想知道他长得什么样,真想马上见到他。他在电子邮件里说他会戴白帽子。(四下张望)啊,他在那儿。 L: hey, Isabelle… 嗨,伊莎贝拉…

I: Logan! Why on earth are you hiding here? White hat! Come on! Don't tell me you're the guy! It can't be true.

洛根!?你躲在这儿干什么?白帽子?天啊!别告诉我你就是那个人! L: yes, I am the guy. …没错,我就是。

I: what a bummer! You set me up? 无聊!那我当猴耍吗?

L: let me explain. I didn't mean to hurt you… 你听我解释,不是有意的的。

I: how dare you!(starts to walk off) 你竟敢骗我!(就要离开)

L: hang on a second. Hear me out, just this once, Isabella! 等一下,听我说完,伊莎贝拉,就这一次。 I: why did you lie to me in the email? 你为什么在邮件里骗我?

L: I didn't lie. You just didn't ask me my real name. 我没有,是你没问我的真实姓名。

I: I should have known it was you. No wonder all the 20 questions were answered correctly. I thought I might have found the one for me. 我早知道应该是你。怪不得20个问题你全答对了。我还以为自己找到了知己。 L: I'm sorry. It was cruel of me. But I promise it will never happen again? Look, there's a nice restaurant. Let me take you to dinner and we can talk thigns over.

对不起,是我不好。我发誓绝不会有第二次。看,那个餐厅看上去不错。走,我请你吃饭,然后慢慢给你解释。 dialogue 2

L: The band is pretty good. How do you like the music? 乐队不错啊。你喜欢这支曲子吗?

I: it's very nice. I haven't heard live music in a while. This is fun. 挺喜欢的。我很久没在现场听过音乐了,感觉很不错。 L: well, then, may I invite you for the next dance? 好吧,那我可以请你跳下一支舞吗?



