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译林版英语七年级下册教学教案Unit 7 Grammar

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课题 7B Unit 7 Abilities Grammar 课时 1 课型 new 教 学 目 标 重点 难点 教学 准备 1.To recognize and understand how to use ‘can/ could’ to express ability/ possibility in the present and past 2.To recognize degrees of possibilities when using ‘may/ might’ To master the use of ‘can/ could’ and ‘may/ might’ correctly To identify and use the four modal verbs well enough Multimedia; 教 学 设 计 详 案 Teaching steps: Step 1 Revision I. Revise the use of ‘can/ could’, get Ss to say sth about the two modal verbs. II. Get Ss to talk about their own abilities at present and in the past. III. Can you use the two modal verbs correctly? A. can: we are able to do sth now/ at present could: we were able to do sth in the past B. can/ could: sth is possible now/ at present could: sth was possible in the past C. can/ could: we can’t use them to talk about the chances that sth will certainly happen in the future. Step 2 Practice Ⅰ. Practice Part Al with the Ss together. Ⅱ. Try to talk about the pictures individually. (page 83) Ⅲ. Help Ss to find out they are great because they can do so many things in their daily life. They have healthy bodies and minds. They can do so many things. So we should be grateful to our parents for giving us so many things in the world. Ⅳ. Ss practice page 84 Part B individually. Step 3 Production Ss finish off the sentences using the modal verbs. 1. School finishes at 4 p.m. The bus leaves at 4:10 p.m. We _______ take the bus. 2. It will be warm tomorrow so we________ wear short sleeves. 3. I _______ play games on my old computer, but the new one is much faster. 4. I forgot my key. I ________ open the door. Step 4 Presentation 1. Arouse Ss’ interest in how to praise Zhang Hua with strong feelings in Chinese or English. 2. Lead into the new item: to use the Imperative Sentences to express strong feelings. Sum up Ss’ answers on the Bb. A. What + a/ an + adj + sb/ sth(单数) +(S + V)! What + + adj + sb/ sth(复数) +(S + V)! What + + adj + sb/ sth(不可数名词) +(S + V)! B. How + adj/ adv (+ S+ V)! Step 5 Practice I. Give Ss some words, get Ss to join them together. 1. flowers, beautiful, What, are, they! 2. interesting, what, an, book, is, it! 3. nice, a, day, what, today, is! 4. news, surprising, what, they, watching, are 5. strong, the, man, a, what, he, is! 6. weather, fine, what, it, is! 7.What beautiful flowers they are! 8. What an interesting book it is! 9. What a nice day it is! 10. What surprising news they are watching! 11. What a strong man he is! 12. What fine weather it is! II. Do the same things as the same way above. 1. flowers, beautiful. how, are, the! 2. interesting, how, this, book, is! 3. nice, today, how, is! 4. news, surprising, how, the, is! 5. strong, the, man, how, is! 6. today, fine, how it, is! 7.How beautiful the flowers are! 8.How interesting this book is! 9.How nice today is! 10. How surprising the news is! 11. How strong the man is! 12. How fine it is today! Step 6 Practice 1. Talk about the pictures on page 85 Part C. Individuals give their answers. 1. What beautiful flowers! How wonderful the flowers are! 2. How wonderful! What a wonderful program! 3. What a big fire! How big the fire is! 4. What a brave young man! How brave the young man is! 5. How dangerous the fire is! 2. Make more able Ss to give their own sentences in class. Step 6 Production Finish off the conversation in pairs. A. Do you know about Zhang Hua? B: Yes, Of course. He helped his neighbour out of a fire. A: _______ brave he was! We should _________ from him. B: I ______ with you. If you come across this kind of things.________ you be so brave like him? A: I think I _________ also do the same thing. B: _______ a brave boy you will be! We should try our best ______ others. Step 7 Homework 1. Go over Integrated skills after class. 2. Make up some sentences using the simple future tense as written work. 作业设计 Do the workbook. 教学反思

译林版英语七年级下册教学教案Unit 7 Grammar


