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successful ageing / aging healthy ageing / aging

老龄化,写成 ageing(英式英语)和 aging(美式英语)都可以。在写作中,请大家统一用其中的一种拼法,不要在同一篇作文里面出现两种拼法。

“健康老龄化”,国际上最专业的提法是 successful ageing,大家写成 healthy ageing 也是可以的,国外很多针对老年人的保健养生网站都是用 healthy ageing,但是世卫组织的官方提法是 successful ageing。

关键词破解:“老人” 用英语怎么说? older adults senior citizens old population the aged the old

old people(该表达正确,但是不建议,太业余)


【 老龄化的原因及现状】

1. the population in china is ageing rapidly.

这是 “中国人口正在迅速老龄化” 之最最言简意赅、举重若轻的写法。一定要学会。

2. people all over the world are living longer, but their chances of spending these later years in good health and well-being vary within and between countries.

前半句描述现象,后半句顺势指出问题。行云流水大抵如此。 3. the substantial increases in life expectancy at birth achieved over the previous century, combined with medical advances,

escalating health and social care costs, and higher expectations for older age, have led to international interest in how to promote a healthier old age and how to age “successfully.”


4. for too many, old age brings a high risk of social isolation and poverty, with limited access to affordable, high-quality health and social services.

5. strong public policies are thus needed to ensure that positive trends can be sustained and the benefits of a longer life can extend to everyone regardless of where they live or the socioeconomic group they belong to.

6. for older adults, life was no longer based on ego or endeavors. life was different.

这个句子可以用在作文的最后一句,意犹未尽,回味无穷。 7. today, older adults are experiencing on average better

overall health, lower disability rates, and greater economic security than previous generations, due in part to key national programs such as social security, medicare and medicaid. however, older adults often encounter challenges to their physical, mental, cognitive, and social health.


【 健康老龄化的定义】

1. never has there been such a spotlight on older adults, and we can use this moment to redefine what it means to experience healthy aging in china.


2. successful aging refers to physical, mental and social well-being in older age.


3. recent studies emphasize the importance of adaptation and emotional well-being in successful aging. new data suggests that for most senior citizens, subjective quality of life is more important than the absence of disease and other objective measures relating to physical and mental health.

4. there are a few investigations into older people's views of what is successful ageing. their definitions include mental, psychological, physical, and social health; functioning and

resources; life satisfaction; having a sense of purpose; financial security; learning new things; accomplishments; physical

appearance; productivity; contribution to life; sense of humour; and spirituality.


5. additionally, recent studies have shown that for most senior citizens, subjective quality of life is strongly tied with psychosocial protective traits such as resilience, optimism, and mental and emotional status.

【 健康老龄化的目的与举措】

1. therefore, all sectors must be engaged in planning for the opportunities of a growing population of older adults to ensure people are not only adding years to life, but life to years. 2. one important outcome of the conference was the

administration's announcement of the evelopment of a report to advance healthy aging with a national strategy.

3. the strategy’s aim is to increase the length of people’s lives and ensure their lives are healthy and productive. 此句地道实用有好记,必收。

4. the vision of the strategy is working together to improve the health and quality of life for individuals, families, and communities by moving the country from a mindset focused on sickness and disease to one based on prevention and wellness.

学会了吗,提到“目的、目标” 不要老是用 goal,试试 vision。vision 是什么意思?vision 就是“愿景”!

5. a person's ability to interact with others has been consistently viewed as vitally important to successful aging.

6. many researchers have believed that social relationships have become the single most important factor in measuring a person's psychological well-being or happiness.

7. these healthy aging actions were identified based on a

review of the scientific literature and consultation with experts in the fields of aging and public health, as well as experts from medical fields.


请大家在 50 分钟之内,按医学博士英语统考作文部分的要求完成下面的作文。

part v writing (20%)

directions: in this part there is an essay in chinese. read it carefully and then write a summary of 200 words in english on the answer sheet. make sure that your summary covers the major points of the passage. 滥用抗生素的危害

抗生素滥用已成为世界范围内公共卫生领域的重大问题。除污染环境、威胁人体健康外,因产生耐药性而出现的 “超级细菌”,是目前最令人担心的问题。

开发一个新药一般需要 10 年左右时间,而一代耐药菌的产生往往只需要两年。抗生素滥用情况加重,最终会导致“超级细菌”横行。按照目前耐药情况的发展趋势,我国很有可能成为最先陷入超级细菌频生、最终无抗生素可用境地的国家之一。因为细菌变异速度太快,一些国家不得不通过政府出资来推动解决这一问题。


有关资料显示,截至 2017 年我国 7 岁以下儿童因为不合理使用抗生素造成耳聋的数量多达 30 万人,占耳聋儿童总数的 30%~40%,而一些发达国家却只占 0.9%。

据调查,农村是抗生素滥用的重灾区,不论是养殖业还是医疗用药,都普遍存在盲目使用抗生素的问题。滥用抗生素会损伤肝肾,产生不良反应,导致人体菌群失调免疫力下降。 一般说来,滥用抗生素有四大危害。 第一,毒副作用。

是药三分毒,应严格遵照医嘱服药,切不可盼复心切,擅自加大抗菌药物 (包括抗生素和人工合成的抗菌药,如氟哌酸) 的药量,否则很可能损伤神经系统、肾脏、血液系统。尤其是对肝肾功能出现异常的患者,更要慎重。需要强调的是,一般来说,轻度上呼吸道感染选用口服抗生素即可,但很多人却选择了静脉输液,这无形中也增加了出现副作用的风险。 第二,过敏反应。

多发生在具有特异性体质的人身上,其表现以过敏性休克最为严重。青霉素、链霉素都可能引发,其中青霉素最常见也更为严重。过敏反应严重时可能致命。 第三,二重感染。

当用抗菌药物抑制或杀死敏感的细菌后,有些不敏感的细菌或霉菌却继续生长繁殖,造成新的感染,这就是 “二重感染”。这在长期滥用抗菌药物的病人中很多见。因此治疗困难,病死率高。 第四,耐药

由于细菌的进化永远不会停止,因而对任何抗生素都会有产生耐药性的可能。抗菌药物的滥用正让我们付出巨大的代价,药品不良反应、药源性疾病大量增加,越来越多的细菌对抗药品的能量不断增大,例如幽门螺旋杆菌,对喹诺酮类药品的耐药性,已经升至百分之八十二。而且由于药物长期刺激,使一部分致病菌产生变异、成为耐药菌株。这种耐药性既会被其他细菌所获得,也会遗传给下一代。“超级细菌” 很大程度上就是抗菌药物滥用催生出来的。如果这种情况继续恶化下去,很可能使人类面临感染时无药可用的境地。 第一,关于作文的标题,记住两点:



之前给大家预测的抗生素滥用这篇文章的中文标题是 “滥用抗生素的危害”,那么用英文我们可以写成: hazards of antibiotic abuse



