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Peter Pan


James Matthew Barrie is born in 1860 in Angus, Scotland. He is the ninth of ten children and his parents are weavers . As a child he loves reading and playing make -believe games about pirates with his school friends . Barrie grows up in Scotland, then he moves to London because he wants

to become a writer. He writes novels, plays for the theatre and articles for newspapers. He also makes friends with many writers.

In London, Barrie often takes his dog for walks in Kensington Gardens. One day he meets the Llewelyn Davies family there: George, John, Michael, Peter and Nicholas, and their mother, Sylvia. They become good friends and Barrie starts to spend a lot of time with the family. He invents stories to entertain the boys. He tells them that baby Peter can fly, and the bars on the windows of the children's bedroom are to stop him flying away. The idea for the story of Peter Pan is born. First Barrie writes a play called Peter Pan. It is very popular and he decides to write a novel. It is called Peter and Wendy. Both adults and children love it.

Barrie dies in 1937. In his will he gives the copyright of all the Peter Pan works to the children's hospital in Great Ormond Street, London. His birthplace is now a museum.





2 故事概要

彼得潘晚上出现在伦敦肯辛顿区,在开着的窗子外听达林太太: (Mrs. Mary Darling)讲睡前故事。一天晚上他被发现了,在逃跑中他丢失了影子。回来找影子时,他吵醒子达林太太的女儿,温蒂(Wendy) 。温蒂帮他修好了影子。彼得发现温蒂也知道很多故事,于是他邀影盟蒂到永无岛(Neverland)来做他们这一群遗失男孩 (Lost Boys)的母亲。他们都是在肯辛顿公园走失的孩子。温蒂答应了,同她的两个弟弟,约翰和迈克尔一起跟着後得潘随往了永无岛。


Peter Pan appeared in Kensington, London, in the evening, listening to Mrs. Darling: (Mrs. Mary Darling) tell bedtime stories outside the open window. One night he was found, and he lost his shadow in his escape. When he came back to find the shadow, he woke up his son, Mrs. Darlin daughter, Wendy .Wendy fixed his shadow. Peter found out that Wendy knew a lot of stories, so he invited the film league to Neverland came to be the mother of their group of lost boys. They are all lost children in Kensington Park. Wendy agreed with her two brothers, John and Michael. Then Depan went with him to never Island.On their way to Evergreen Island, they met with a magical flightThe children were shot down from the air by cannons, and Wendy was almost killed by a lost boy because of the framing of the little fairy Ding Ding (TinkerBell). Then Peter and his companions built -. A small house, (WendyHouse), let her live in it and heal her wounds. Very quick John and Michael also got used to the life of the lost boy.

彼得邀请温蒂去他在地下的家,而温蒂也马上习惯了母亲的角色。彼得带领着温蒂和她的两个弟弟进行了多次历险,他们第一次真正遇到危险是在美人鱼的礁湖。在那里彼得和遗失男孩们救了慮莲公主(PrincessLily),但是也卷入了与海盗的战争中。他们的敌人用就有恶魔胡克船在长(Captain Hook)。胡克船长抓伤了彼得。他让温乘着凤筝逃走,自己却束手无策的躺在涨潮时的岩石。上。他确定自己要死了,但是他认为死亡本身就是“一次宏大的冒险”。一只鸟把自己的巢借给彼得当作小船,他回到了家。

Peter invited Wendy to his underground home, and Wendy was immediately used to the role of mother. Peter led Wendy and her two brothers on many adventures, and the first time they were really in danger was in the mermaid lagoon. There Peter and the lost boys saved PrincessLily, but were also involved in the war with pirates. Their enemies use Demon Hook boats in long . Captain Hook scratched Peter. He let Wen ride Fengzheng escape, but he was helpless lying in the high tide of the rock. Go. He is sure he wants to die .

But he thinks death itself is \A bird lent his nest to Peter as a boat, and he went home.


Because Peter saved Tiger Lotus, he was helped by the Indians, who served as guards for Pet’s house against the next pirate attack. At the same time, Wendy fell in love with Peter. Peter, for Wen’s feelings were confused and irritable, and he said how he felt, but insulted Wendy’s feelings. She decided to take John and Michael back to England. Unfortunately, however, Captain Hook caught you and them and poisoned



