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新标准大学英语综合教程4Unit_test1 5答案

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新标准大学英语综合教程4Unit_test1 5答案

Unit test 1

Part I: Vocabulary and Structure

Section A: Complete the sentences using the correct words in the box.

, fraught , clutched , revert , recounted , comprehensive , upcoming , transition , apathy , deduct , gamble , demanding , highlight , redirect , investors , exceeds , repay , concise , embellish , overdo

, thriving

embellish1. My little brother tends to the truth, so you can't believe everything he says at

face value.

Your answer Correct answer embellish embellish

2. upcomingMr. Philips is running for a position in the local government in the elections.

Your answer Correct answer upcoming upcoming

3. highlightWhat can we do to all the accomplishments our company has had?

Your answer Correct answer highlight highlight

4. exceedsIn my opinion, the asking price for that painting far its real value.

Your answer Correct answer exceeds exceeds

5. fraughtSharon was with indecision over where to go to college. Your answer Correct answer fraught fraught

6. conciseHer book is a brief, history of World War I. Your answer Correct answer concise concise

7. apathyToo many people accuse students of ignorance about or toward international


Your answer Correct answer apathy apathy

8. recountedThe politician wrote a tell-all book in which she her experience during the


Your answer Correct answer recounted recounted

gamble9. Risking my entire life savings on a single horse race is not a(n) I'm willing to


Your answer Correct answer gamble gamble

demanding10. My mother was a very woman, but she only wanted the best for my sister and


Your answer Correct answer demanding demanding

11. repayIf you lend me money today, I can you after I get paid on Friday.

Your answer Correct answer repay repay

12. clutchedEvery time the plane hit turbulence, he the armrests tightly.

Your answer Correct answer clutched clutched

13. redirectThe purpose of the canal was to the river and provide water to more farmland.

Your answer Correct answer redirect redirect

14. transitionThankfully, Maria was a tremendous help as I made the into my new


Your answer Correct answer transition transition

15. thrivingTwenty years ago, this was a wealthy, community. Your answer Correct answer thriving thriving

16. deductPlease remember that we need to taxes from your paycheck. Your answer Correct answer deduct deduct

17. revertThe virus disabled the software, so we needed to to an earlier version.

Your answer Correct answer revert revert

overdo18. I know you're excited about the possibilities, but please try not to it.

Your answer Correct answer overdo overdo

investors19. Many lost a lot of money when the stock market fell last month.

Your answer Correct answer investors investors

comprehensive20. My employer offers a(n) benefits package that is difficult to give up.

Your answer Correct answer comprehensive comprehensive

Section B: Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable word. 21. upAll right, it's time to pack our things and move to the new office upstairs.

Your answer Correct answer up up

22. throughThe counselor suggested that Felipe talk his problems with his brother.

Your answer Correct answer through through

23. ifThomas has always been, nothing else, a diligent and responsible student.

Your answer Correct answer

新标准大学英语综合教程4Unit_test1 5答案


