I. Grammar
1. Insert prepositions in the slots.
It is a well-known rule ( ) logic that classifications made ( ) the basis of a single attribute are artificial and ( ) limited use. So there must be a cluster of attributes ( ) which a human group is defined, and these must be specific and essential, if they are to serve a useful purpose. Yet what is essential ( ) one observer is not ( ) another. Some would opt ( ) language, others ( ) race, religion, or shared destiny in the past or the present. It is also quite common to find that individuals tend to identify their own community ( ) criteria which may be different from those used ( ) the same purpose by outsiders.
2. Supply an article in the slot when necessary.
All ( ) books are divisible into two kinds; ( ) books of ( ) hour, and ( ) books of all ( ) time. Mark this distinction —it is not one of ( ) quality only. It is not merely ( ) bad book that does not last, and ( ) good one that does. It is ( ) distinction of ( ) species.
3.Supply the proper verb forms in the slots.
Einstein's connection with the politics of the nuclear bomb (be) well known. In 1933 Hitler (come) to power. Einstein (be) in America, and he_ (declare) he (not return) to Germany. In the face of the Nazi threat, Einstein (renounce) pacifism, and eventually __ (fear) that German scientists (build) a nuclear bomb, (propose) that the United States (develop) its own. But even before the first atomic bomb had been detonated, he publicly warned of the danger of nuclear war and proposed international control of nuclear weaponry.
Ⅱ. Vocabulary
1. Choose words from column A to fit the definitions in column B. Example: foreman, forester
a man who is in charge of a group of workmen: foreman
A. reluctant, leisure, yearning, entertainer, supersede, rebuff, incompatible, sabbatical leave, assert, artifact, variable, tramps; B. (1) an unexpected or contemptuous refusal: (2) freedom from work: (3) insist on one's right;
(4) one who amuses an audience as a profession:
(5) a period of paid free time for rest and special study given to a university teacher after a certain length of service;
(6) a thing or quantity that is changeable;
(7) people who roam the streets to find what they can: (8) strong longing, feeling or desire for: (9) anything made by human work or act:
(10) opposed in character; unable to exist in harmony; (11) unwilling, not wanting to do something:
(12)take the place of because better or more important;
2. Complete the following paragraph by filling in the blanks with appropriate words from the list below, modifying their form where necessary.
immune, little, to roam, against, to pronounce, astound, away, austere, to slice, outburst, to have, to hunt, outset, to promote;
We were strolling through Oxford's old buildings as he was 1 these words. I had often 2 round the outside looking up at the 3 walls, and imagining the opulent interiors. But 4 lived here now for some years, I had grown 5 to its beauty. At the 6 of my walk with the Professor, we had talked a little about the country's economy, but this sudden 7 against our society did not just 8 me but left me quite flabbergasted. I 9 in my mind for something non-committal to say. \ally possible to 10 our society down the middle like that?\I said, panicking a 11 lest I had offended this eminent man, \ as all that? Shouldn't we be trying to 12 understanding between people, rather than setting them up 13 one another?\ conversation 14 to less troubled waters.
3. Choose the word from A, B or C that best completes the sentence.
1. National and international efforts should give to action programs integrating population and development.
A. privilege B. priority C. principle
2. At Golden State Power we are accused of the same thing for reasons. A. identical B. optional C. original
3. Greatly agitated, I rushed to the apartment and tried the door, to find it locked.
A. just B. only C. hence
4. On a rainy day I was driving north through Vermont I noticed a young man holding up a sign reading \ A. where B. which C. when
5. The remarkable of life on the Galopagos Island inspired Darwin to establish his theory of evolution.
A. variety B. celebrity C. diversity
6. If you want to set up a company, you must with the regulations laid down by the authorities.
A. confirm B. accord C. comply
7. A wage-earner has to make for his/her old age by putting aside enough money to live on when old.
A. supply B. provision C. assurance
8. We all know that the farmers are more anxious for rain than the people in the city because they have more at A. stake B. loss C. danger
9. The pollution question as well as other issues is going to be discussed when the Congress is in again next spring. A. assembly B. conference C. session
10. To survive in the intense trade competition between countries, we must the qualities and varieties of products we make to world market demand. A. improve B. enhance C. gear
11.An important property of a scientific theory is its ability to further research and further thinking about a particular topic. A. advocate B. arouse C. stimulate
12. Language, culture, and personality may be considered of each other in thought, but they are inseparable in fact.
A. independent B. instinctive C. separate 人生中最幸福的就是身体健康
于是,渴望一种懂得,可以一眼洞穿你所有清寂的薄凉。是恰好的温度,闪耀着阳光的味道,柔软又美好。 那么这一路上的爱恨欢愁也就有了归宿,以后的日子,既便是山长水远,也都会坦然面对,给尘世以最初的温柔。 好像是到了一个阶段,学会了等待,学会了随遇而安,学会了笑着去接受。不再心心念念,不再轻易信任。 只是在某个清晨,听见久远的一声问候,心,依然会瞬间柔软。 原来我们的内心深处,还是那么渴望一场白首不相离的缘分,千万次回眸 ,始终还是你。 然后,一起守着古朴的时光,迎接每一天的黎明。弱水三千,只取一瓢饮,不褪色,不黯淡,任凭尘世的风摇曳着冬日的风雪,我始终是你最美的红颜,你是我最美的时光。 不说永远,陪伴便是最长情的告白。 龙应台曾写过一段文字:“有一种寂寞,身边添一个可谈的人,或许就可以削减。有一种寂寞,茫茫天地之间余舟一芥的无边无际无着落,人只能各自孤独面对,素颜修行。”不同的寂寞有着不同的归途,其实赏心之人无须太多,关键是否能入心。 始终喜欢,一切纯善质朴的好,不论是人还是事,一份情深义重,才是水色尘心的悠远。而一同走过的山山水水,都会是生命的记载。 如果可以,愿始终趋光而行,向着太阳升起的地方。无论飘摇还是安逸,都要坚守住内心那道光,我们可以不完美,但灵魂必须向美而生。 有时,灵犀的相悦会铭记一生,我不知道岁月有多长,人生还会有多少未知。 只是希望自己能做个心思澄明,有着简单的小欢喜,不过多的忧思,也不给自己添加太多束缚的人。阳光很暖,你也还在,如此,足够。 看多了花开花谢,聚散离合,便逐渐明白,我们最终想拥有的不过是一份寻常的烟火,简单而情重,朴素而感恩。