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The Managerial Rules of the Working Handover and Takeover
In order to strengthen the production management, improve the product’s quantity and quality, guarantee the production safety and the environment sanitation in the workshop, clarify the working hand over and take over responsibility, specially formulate the working hand over and take over management rules:
The Management Rules of the Working Hand over and Take over in the Knitting
1. 接班班长提前30分钟进入工作岗位,办理交接班记录手续。
The monitor who is going to take over the work should get to the post 30 minutes ahead, make the procedure of working hand over and take over.
2. 交班必须保持机台及地面的清洁卫生。
Keep clean of the machine and the floor when handing over. 3. 交接班必须保障设备正常运转,确保设备连续化生产,如设备出现故障,保全工当班内必须修复完毕,保证设备正常运转,因缺件等情况当班内不能修复,交班班长与接班班长要交接清楚,交接不清楚,不准下班和接班,接班班长不到位,交班班长不得离开。
When taking over and handing over, the worker should insure that the equipment is in working order and keeping it continuous working, for the defect should ask the repairman who is on duty to repair and
guarantee the equipment runs smoothly; if the defect could not be repaired for the reasons such as spare part shortage and etc on duty, the handing over monitor should make clear to the taking over monitor, the one who does not make the working clear could not leave and taking over, the handing over monitor can not leave when the taking over monitor get the working place.
3. 交班班长必须写清机台所织坯布纱支的产地、品名、规格、克重,不能混织,交接不清不能下班。同时,接班班长也不能接收不清的机台。
The handing over monitor should clear record the yarn’s place of origin, name, specification and weight, forbid the mixed weaving, the one who does not make the working clear could not leave. Meanwhile, the taking over monitor can not take over the working that unclear. 4. 交接班必须将原材料区域内棉纱产地、纱支及那个机台使用,必须当面交接清楚,合理调配,不能因原材料造成设备停台。如因交接不清造成设备停台,交班班组要承担接班班组由此影响的产量和质量。
When handing over and taking over, the monitors should explain clear of the yarns' original place, yarn count, and the working situations of the equipment in the raw materials area, regulate and ration reasonably, avoiding the pause of the equipment for the reason of raw materials. If the equipment paused for the unclear handover and takeover, the handing over team should take on the product’s output and quality of the take over team.
5. 辅助设施,气枪、加湿器、风机保持正常使用,如造成损坏,当班负维修责