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用色彩掀翻眼球的西班牙艺术酒店 - 图文

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项目地址 / Es Caló, 70, 76, 07829 Sant Josep de sa Talaia, Islas Baleares, 西班牙

主创建筑师 / Andrea Spada y Michele Corbani

设计方 / IlmioDesign

建筑面积 / 12000.0㎡


Paradiso Ibiza天堂艺术酒店位于地中海西部西班牙的伊比沙岛,以粉色为主调,线条与形体干净利落。这样引人注目的色彩搭配,让这座建筑物与西班牙海岛的蔚蓝,酿出梦幻与怀旧交织的味道,这迷幻又复古的美感不禁让人沉浸之中。

The Paradiso Ibiza Art Hotel is located on Ibiza, Spain, in the western Mediterranean Sea, with pink tones, clean and smooth lines and shapes. Such eye-catching color matching makes the building and the blue Spanish island create a dreamy and nostalgia atmosphere. This psychedelic and retro aesthetic feeling can not help but let people immerse.

天堂中的艺术之地Paradiso Ibiza Art Hotel酒店,被湛蓝的天空、清透的大海包围,悄然冒起一片梦幻的粉红色。似乎没有人能够抗拒它的魔力。酒店散发的甜腻气息,满足了每个少女的公主梦。

The art place of heaven, Paradiso Ibiza Art Hotel, surrounded by blue sky and clear sea, quietly rises a dreamy pink. No one seems to be able to resist its magic. The sweet and greasy smell of the hotel satisfies every girl’s princess dream.


Entering the lobby, you can feel the magical atmosphere of the hotel. The ground is covered with pink mosaic tiles that match the painted walls and ceilings. The flower-shaped sofa in the center of the hall forms a visual impact decoration.

以艺术为主的Paradiso Ibiza Art Hotel,有一间非常特别的房间,每月仅有一个周末供免费入住,代价当然是隐私,借以实践行为艺术。

The art-focused Paradiso Ibiza Art Hotel has a very special room with only one free weekend for check-in per month, at the expense of privacy, of course, to practice the art of behavior.

走进Paradiso Ibiza Art Hotel,瞬间就会被充满艺术气息的酒店氛围吸引。酒店采用梦幻感十足的粉色作主调,由内至外都有着强烈的七十年代Hollywood风格。

Walking into the Paradiso Ibiza Art Hotel, you’ll be instantly attracted by the artistic atmosphere of the hotel. The hotel features a dreamy pink tone, creating a strong 1970s Hollywood style from the inside out.

酒店拥有 60 间客房,包括 2、3、4 人套房,乃至可容纳 5 人的豪华套房,房间以 70 年代的风格装修,强调设计感的家具,配上艺术感十足的装饰风格,让喜爱艺术的客人沉浸在这个空间内。

The hotel has 60 guest rooms, including 2, 3, 4-person suites and even 5-person deluxe suites. The rooms are decorated in the 1970s style, emphasizing the design sense of furniture, with the artistic decorative style, to make art-loving guests immerse themselves in this space.


The space color matched with the furniture well explains the decoration art style and the De Stiji. Each guest room is equipped with the bright color retro furniture.


The hotel also has an independent art gallery which will hold three exhibitions in each peak season and a year-round art library.

用色彩掀翻眼球的西班牙艺术酒店 - 图文


