【期刊名称】《实用手外科杂志》 【年(卷),期】2013(027)001
【摘要】目的 探讨以多个并排V-Y成形术矫正儿童手指掌侧蹼状瘢痕挛缩的临床效果.方法 2006年6月-2012年7月,对36例手指掌侧蹼状瘢痕挛缩儿童采用多个并排V-Y成形术矫正,重建指蹼.结果 36例手指掌侧蹼状瘢痕挛缩术后外形与功能均满意.术后随访6个月~2年,以最后1次随访结果为准,按中华医学会手外科学会上肢部分功能评定试用标准评定:优30例,良6例,优良率100%.结论 采用多个并排V-Y成形术矫正儿童手指掌侧蹼状瘢痕挛缩操作简便,创伤和风险小,术后外形和功能满意.%Objective To evaluate the clinical results of correcting fingerweb scar contrature in children by V-Y plasty. Methods From June 2006 to July 2012, running multiple V-Y plasty, which was designed to reconstruct the fingerweb, was done in 36 children with incomplete simple syndactylism. There are 29 males and 7 females.whose age ranged from 6 to 14 years with an average of 10 years. Results 36 fingers or fingerwebs were fully extended.The funcion and appearace of hands were corrected. Following-up ranged from 6 months to 2 years with prevailing the last. The results were good in 30 cases and fair in 4 cases, according to the upper limb funtion evaluation criteria issued by The hand surgery society of the chinese medicel association. Conclusion Running multiple V-Y plasty is an optimal