英语辩论Go abroad for education is better than study at home . 辩论最全资料,看了不想赢都难!
观点:go abroad is better 目录:
二, 结束陈词英文版,中文版 三, 攻辩问题英文版,中文版(特
别尖锐和有陷阱的问题,对方怎么回答都会输) 四, 辩论队队名,口号,自我介
五, 其它高频辩论题目文档链
Good morning ,honorable chairman, distinguished judges, dear fellow debater, gentleman and gentlewoman . today our topic is :study at home or go abroad for education ,which is better for Chinese students. We firmly ,constantly ,strongly believe that going abroad for education is better for Chinese students .there are four points to support our view .
First, going abroad can broaden our eyesight .you can enjoy another culture ,another social styles .not only can people enjoy a feast of eyes ,but also people can broaden global vision.
Second ,studying abroad makes students have a better access to better employments .we all understand that most big corporations all over the world is inclined to employ those who have experienced studying abroad .
Third ,studying abroad make it easier to learn the language of
that country . there is no doubt that practicing language every time will produce a better result than just practing it in the class .
Forth ,studying abroad will make students become more independent. In contemporary society ,being independent is to people what water to fish .
In the past ,we believed ;now ,we believe ,in the future ,we still believe that studying abroad is better for Chinese students .
早上好,尊敬的主席,各位评委,亲爱的辩手,绅士和淑女。今天我们的话题是:在国内学习和出国学习,哪个对中国学生更好。我们坚信,深信,相信,出国教育对中国学生比较好。有四点来支持我们的观点。 首先,出国可以拓宽我们的视野。您可以享受另一种文化,另一种社会的风格。不仅能让人享受视觉的盛宴,人们也可以拓宽国际视野。 第二,出国留学让学生有更好的就业。大家都明白,大多数大公司在世界各地倾向于聘用那些有留学经历的学生。