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新概念英语第一册Lesson 67-68练习题(无答案)

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Lesson 67 and Lesson 68


一 用所给词的适当形式填空(10分) 1. Was Mrs. Williams at the (butcher)?

2. Was Jimmy (absence) from school last week? 3. How are you today? I’m very (good).

4. We’re going to spend three (day) in the country. 5. We’re going to stay at my (mother) for the weekend.

6. You are (luck) to stay in the country on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

7. I was at the (baker) yesterday.

8. I stay at home on Sunday, August the (eight). 9. She is enjoying (her).

10. I can hear some birds (sing) in the tree. 二 用所给词的适当形式填空(10分)

1. They (be) at the dairy on Saturday, July 7th. 2. How you all (keep) now?

3. We are going to spend three days (stay) in country. 4. We are going to stay at my mother’s (spend) the weekend.

5. you (take) any food to the bird every day?



6. Before you cross a street, you must (look) to the right first and then to the left.

7. Where is Jill going (meet) her friends?

8. The girl is helping her mother (wash) the clothes. 9. What do you buy these apples (do)? 10. Martin (teach) in a village school. 三 选择填空(20分)

( ) 1. Where you last week?

A. is B. are C. was

D. were

( ) 2. Jim at school last Monday.

A. is B. are C. was

D. were

( ) 3. Jimmy was absent school last week.

A. for B. from C. with

D. of

( ) 4. were you at the hairdresser’s? On Thursday.

A. How B. What C. When

D. Why

( ) 5. Mrs. Johnson was at the greengrocer’s some cabbages.

A. to B. on C. of



D. for

( ) 6. How are you all ? Very well, thank you.

A. going B. keeping C. go

D. keep

( ) 7. He is going to spend a week in the country.

A. to stay B. staying C.

stay D. stays

( ) 8. Meimei buys some bananas some bananas pies.

A. make B. to make C.

making D. makes

( ) 9. How much does she spend this pair of shoes.

A. for B. in C. on

D. of

( ) 10. What’s the matter? you enjoy yourself?

A. Do B. Don’t C. Are

D. Aren’t you

( ) 11. He is often at the to get some meat.

A. baker’s B. grocer’s C.

the grocer’s D. butcher’s

( ) 12. Don’t make a noise. The baby .


新概念英语第一册Lesson 67-68练习题(无答案)


