【期刊名称】《计算机集成制造系统》 【年(卷),期】2009(015)010
【摘要】To conduct quantitative study on credit value in enterprises of supply chain alliance, credit of supply chain partnership was decomposed into direct credit and recommendation credit. Estimation method of Bayesian probability was used to estimate the credit value of supply chain partnership quantitatively. According to the update value of credit mechanism, the values of direct credit and recommendation credit were updated respectively. Finally, the comprehensive evaluation model of credit value between enterprises partners was obtained. Simulation results and the analysis indicated that the assessment model reflected the reputation mechanism, and had manifested the opportunism and the malicious recommendation behavior penalty thought. When continuous trade defeat occured or the partner enterprise had the opportunism behavior, credit value would drop rapidly, the credit value restoration would rnbe a long process.%为定量研究供应链伙伴企业间的信任值,利用信任产生的声誉机制,将供应链伙伴企业间的信任分解为直接信任和推荐信任,并利用贝叶斯概率估计方法,定量地评估供应链联盟伙伴间的信任值,然后根据信任值的更新机制,分别对直接信任值和推荐信任值进行更新,最后得出了伙伴企业间信任值的综合评估模型.仿真结果和分析表