1. 寄存处 depository, storage 2. 会议室 meeting room 3. 咖啡厅 coffee hall 4. 书店 book shop, book store 5. 餐厅 dining room, restaurant 6. 厕所 toilet, W.C. 7. 电梯 lift, elevator 8. 楼梯 stair
9. 展厅 exhibition hall
10. 早上好 Good morning! 下午好 Good afternoon!
11. 晚上好 Good evening! 晚安 Good night! 日安 Good day! 12. 非常感谢 Thank you very much!
13. 不客气 You are welcome. 没关系 No problom. Not at all 14. 这边请 This way, please.
15. 见到你很高兴 I am glad to meet you. Nice to meet you. 16. 我也是 So am I.
17. 咨询处 Inquires, Consulting, Informations 18. 接待室 Reception
19. 楼下 upstair 楼上 downstair 20. 北楼 north building 西楼 west building 21. 东 east 西 west 南 south 北 north
22. 左 left 右 right 前 in front of 后 behind of 新 new 旧 old
23. 馆长 director 经理 manager 班长 monitor 领班foreman 24. 主管 be in charge of
25. 入口 extrance 出口 exit 紧急出口 emergency exit 26. 给您添麻烦了 I am sorry to trouble you. 27. 请左拐 turn left 请右拐 turn right 28. 请一直走 Please go straight ahead. 29. 您别着急 Don’t worry about it. 30. 谢谢您的帮助 thanks for your help.
31. 禁止拍照 No photo. Here is not allow to photo. 32. 禁止吸烟 No smoking. Here is not allow to smoke. 33. 请不要大声喧哗 Be quiet. Here is not allow to speak loudly. 34. 禁止用闪光灯 Here is not allow to use the photoflash. 35. 禁止喝水 No drinking. Here is not allow to drink. 36. 打扰一下 Excuse me. 37. 明天见 see you tomorrow. 38. 一会见 see you later.
39. 麻烦您重复一遍 I beg your pardon. Please pardon. 40. 步行 on foot 骑自行车 by bike
41. 坐出租车 by taxi 坐公交车 by bus 坐小汽车 by car
乘飞机 by plane 乘地铁 by subway 乘轮船 by ship 42. 乐意为您效劳 I am glad to help you.
43. 请问书店在哪里?Where is the book shop? 44. 请问厕所在哪里?Where is the toilet? 45. 请问餐厅怎么走?Where is the dining room?
46. 请问小卖部怎么走?Where is the snack / gorcery store? 47. 请问贵宾厅怎么走?Where is the VIP room?
48. 请问研讨厅怎么走?Where is the academic room / seminor hall? 49. 请问接待室怎么走?Where is the reception room?
50. 一秒a second 一分钟a minite 一小时an hour 半小时half hour 一刻钟 a quarter of an hour, 15 minutes
51. 哪里有卖画册的?Where sell the painting album, picture album? 52. X号展厅 No. X hall
53. 谢谢您的光临 Thanks for your coming. 54. 请问几点了?What time is it? What is the time? 55. 请问几号了?What date is it today? 56. 今天谁值日?Who is on duty today? 57. 我恐怕要迟到了 I am afraid I will be late. 58. 恐怕我要离开了 I am afraid I must be going now. 59. 关门/闭馆时间到了 It’s closing time. 60. 下课了 Class is over.
61. 这本书多少钱?How much is this book? 62. 你来自何方?Where are you come from? 63. 我来自中国 I come from China.
64. 红色red 橙色orange 黄色yellow 绿色green 青/蓝色blue 紫色purple 棕色brown 灰色gray 白色white 黑色black 65. 非常高兴和你交谈 Nice talking with you.
66. 对不起,这里不寄存食品 I am sorry, the food couldn’t be deposit here
67. 请问我能为您做点什么?Can I help you? What can I do for you? 68. 您真漂亮 You are so beautiful. 69. 干得好 Well done. 70. 祝您好运 Good luck. 71. 祝贺您 Congratulation! 72. 倒霉! Bad luck!
73. 您真帅气 You are handsome. 74. 顺便问一下 By the way.
75. 停用 out of service. Stop using. 76. 给您 Here you are.
77. 请自便 Help yourself. 请自律 Please self-discipline 78. 光阴似箭 How time flys.
79. 可能是我没讲清楚 Maybe I didn’t speak clearly. 80. 您怎么了?What’s wrong with you? 81. 加油 Come on.
82. 我在这里抽烟您介意吗?Do you mind I smoking here? 83. 这主意不错 That is a good idea.
84. 生日快乐 Happy birthday. 85. 新年快乐 Happy New Year.
86. 大家请排队 Everyone to stand in line. Be queue. 87. 让我想一想 Let me see. 88. 一点也不介意 don’t mind
89. 好久不见了 It’s a long time I didn’t see you. 90. 请稍等片刻 Please wait a moment. 91. 真遗憾 It’s a big pity. What a pity. 92. 我不舒服 I feel not well.