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新人教版pep英语六年级下册教案—Unit 4 教案(全)

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Unit 4 Then and now

Part A

教学内容 教学目标 Let’s learn, Find the mistakes, Let’s try, Let’s talk 【知识目标】 1. 四会词汇:dining hall, grass, gym, ago 2. 三会词汇:star, easy, look up, Internet 3. 重点句型:(1)There was no gym in my school twenty years ago. (2)There were no computers or Internet in my time. 【能力目标】 1.掌握表示过去的时间状语和学校设施词汇以及部分动词、短语。 2.能够运用“There is/was/are/were…”句型谈论周边环境的变化。 【情感目标】 通过谈论和比较过去和现在的变化,让学生注意观察身边环境的变化,感受时代的变迁以及社会进步,做生活中的有心人。 1.掌握单词与词组dining hall,grass,gym,ago。 2.过去时间状语(...years/months ago,last year/month)的运用。 3.能够运用“There is/was/are/were…”句型谈论周边环境的变化。 句型“There is/are…”和“There was/were…”的区分及其在实际语境中的具体运用。 课本、课件、教学挂图、本校照片(新旧各一张)、课时安排 2课时 磁带、录音机(或其他音频播放设备)等 教学重点 教学难点 教学准备

第一课时 教学过程 一、Warm-up & Revision 1.Free talk T:How was your weekend? S1:It was fine. T:Where did you go? S1:I went to... T:How did you go there? S1:By... T:What did you do there? S1:I went fishing./... 2.Go over the phrases of Unit 3: ate fresh food, went swimming, took pictures, bought gifts, rode a horse, rode a bike, went camping, hurt my foot, went fishing. 教师说短语的第一个单词,学生说出短语,并造一个句子。如: T:Took Ss:Took pictures I took pictures last weekend. (边做动作边说) 二、Presentation & Practice Let’s learn 温故知新,为新课的学习预热。 批注 对于学生难Show the picture of grass. T:What’s this? Ss:It’s grass. (板书grass并教读) 掌握读音的新单Chant: Grass, grass. Play football on the grass. 词,教师要多带以同样的方法教学dining hall, gym。 Chant: Dining hall, dining hall. Have 读几次。 lunch in the dinning hall. Gym, gym. Play basketball in the gym. 2.教学单词ago及词组“...years ago, ...months ago ”。 教师先说几个句子让学生感受。T:I went fishing three days ago. I went to Beijing two years ago.(板书并教读ago)让学生说出“...years ago, ...months ago”的意思并造句。 3.出示课本挂图,板书并介绍本课重难点句型: —There was no gym in my school twenty years ago. —Now there’s a new one in our school. 教读、板书“There was/were...years/months ago/last year/month. There is/are...now.”。指导学生注意观察、比较和总结。 4.播放录音,学生仿读。 学生先自己5.教师呈现本校新旧照片两张,学生学说句子,描述学校以前和现在的样注意观察,注重子。如:There was no computer room ten years ago. Now there’s a new one in 自主探究。教师适度指导和帮our school. 助。 1. 教学单词dining hall, grass, gym Find the mistakes 1. 呈现课本图片,师生一起观察图片,读一读词汇,看看图片中都有哪些场所。 2. 创设场景,导入话题。 T:It’s the Tang dynasty. It was more than 1000 years ago. 让学生想象并说说他们心中的唐代是什么样子,有哪些场所、物件。 3. 玩“大家来找茬”游戏,完成Find the mistakes部分的课堂活动。 学生先自己读句子,然后小组合作找出错误的地方。 4.鼓励小组代表上台仿照例句进行描述,教师给予适当指导。 5.教师汇总并陈述正确、完整的答案。 Unit 4 Then and now dining hall, gym, grass, ago, ...years ago, ...months ago There was no gym in my school twenty 1.抄写几个四会词汇。 板书2.自主预习Let’s talk部分课文,在不设计 years ago. 懂的地方做记号。 Now there’s a new one in our school. There was/were ... years / months ago/last year/month. There is/are...now. 第二课时 教学过程 批注 一、Warm-up & Revision 1.复习上节课Let’s learn中的词汇。教师出示图片,学生说单词并造句。教师出示单词卡,全班齐读并拼写单词:dining hall, grass, gym。 2.用ago造句。如:There was a dog in the park five days ago. Let’s try 1.让学生读题,带着问题听录音材料。 2.播放录音,让学生完成两个小题。 3.师生核对答案。 Let’s talk 1.教学单词star, easy, look up, Internet。 (1)画星星简笔画 T:What’s this? Ss:It’s a star. (板书star并教读)T:Can you spell star? Ss:S-T-A-R,star. T:It is easy. (板书并教读easy) 以图片来直观教学新词,学(2)出示一个星座图片。 生对新词的记忆T: Do you know its name? 更深刻。 二、 Presentation & Practice Ss: We don’t know. T: We can look it up on the Internet. (板书look up, Internet讲解并教读) (3)出示有图书馆和没有图书馆的学校照片,学生说句子Ss: There was no library in the school. Now there’s a new one. 齐读。 (4)出示有电脑和没有电脑的学校图片。T:There were no computers or Internet in my time. (注意are—were)学生反复读该句子。 2.讲解并教读句子:Tell us about your school, please. How do you know 作业设计

新人教版pep英语六年级下册教案—Unit 4 教案(全)


