IP over DVB-S2的数据封装研究
【期刊名称】《微型机与应用》 【年(卷),期】2014(000)007
【摘要】This paper analyses the transmission of IP over DVB-S2, and gives a particular discussion on the available encapsulation protocols for DVB-S2. Multi-protocol encapsulation (MPE), unidirectional lightweight encapsulation (ULE) and generic stream encapsulation (GSE) are the available encapsulation protocols for DVB-S2. Then combining with the IP datagram of the real satellite traffic, the encapsulation efficiency and performance of the available encapsulation protocols are compared. The tests demonstrate that GSE and ULE are more efficient than MPE. GSE is more flexible than others. The IP encapsulation analysis of DVB-S2 provides important references for the IP transmission design of the future DVB systems.%对 DVB-S2中 IP 数据的传输进行了分析,详细讨论了多协议封装,单向轻量封装以及普通流封装各自的封装过程,并结合 DVB-S2系统实际网络环境中的 IP 数据,比较了这3种封装协议的封装性能。理论分析和实验结果表明, GSE、ULE 的封装效率较 MPE 更高效, GSE 封装更灵活,扩展性更好,为下一代及未来 DVB 标准中 IP 封装协议的选择和优化提供了参考和依据。 【总页数】4页(1-4)
IP over DVB-S2的数据封装研究