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61. Why did Farley have his gun with him all the time?

62. Who got food for the mother wolf?

63. What kind of large animals did wolves usually eat?


You can buy clothing and other items by mail.

Many shops will send you catalogs (目录) of the items they sell. Look and read.

A. Colourful women’s shirts.

Cotton, machine washable.

In blue, yellow, red and white.

DE 3345 Sizes 4—6

WERE $21.99 NOW $19.99

B. Women’s pants.

Front and back pockets.

In black, brown, blue, and white.

DE 3346 Sizes 4—16

WERE $36.99 NOW $24.99

C. Warm, wool sweaters for cold winter days.

Sizes and styles for both men and women.

In blue and white.

DE 3347 Women’s S, M, L

DE 3348 Men’s S, M, L

WERE $24.99 NOW $21.99



Sense of Touch


Touch is very important to us. It helps us collect information about things around us. When we touch something we know if it is hard like a stone, soft like cotton wool, rough(粗糙的) like the bark of a tree or sharp like a pin.

Keeping us safe

We know through touch when things are hot and cold. If something is very hot, a message is sent to your brain to pull your hand away quickly so that you won’t get burnt.

Blind people

Touch is very important to blind people because they can’t see. They rely on touching things to find out what they are. Blind people read by running their fingers over a page and feeling little lumps (凸起) that spell out the words.


68. “Sense of touch” is the main heading. The sub-headings of this passage are ________. 69. Because ________________, touch is important to everyone.

70. If something is very hot a message will be sent to ________.

III. 完形填空(Cloze)(共20小题,计20分)

A) 阅读信件,根据其内容从方框中挑选合适的动词(组),并用其适当形式填空完成信件。每个词(组)只能使用一次。(答案写在答题纸上)

like, feel, have, go, hear, be, take care of, travel, say, worry about Dear Mum,

How are you? We’re fine. Our trip (71)________ well. The only thing we (72)________(not) much is the food. For example, last night we (73) ________ dinner at six o’clock. That’s too early. Then I (74)________ very hungry at night. Apart from that (除此之外), everything (75)________ fine. People are very friendly. At home, we (76)________ much bad news about this country, but in fact it’s a great place.

We (77)________ to another country tomorrow. (78)________ (not) us. We can (79)________ ourselves.

By the way, Mary (80)________ she is stronger than before. ^_*

Much love,

Mick and Mary

B) 阅读短文,根据其上下文和首字母提示,在文中空白处填入适当的单词补全短文。每空一词。(答案写在答题纸上)


Hello. This is the South Seas Travel Agency (旅行社). I’m sorry, n________(81) can speak to you right now. We moved to a________(82) part of town last month. We a________(83) have a new phone number. Please ring us a________(84) 847 2297. Our new a________(85) is 98 Warnock Road. It’s easy to f________(86)—it’s near the park, at the end of the road. We will open for business at our n________(87) office on 21st December. We have many exciting trips for holidays. And we have a p________(88) for anyone who spends (花费) $350 or m________(89) on a holiday. That is if your holiday costs more than $350, we will give you a travel bag f________(90). Thank you for calling the South Seas Travel Agency.

IV. 句型转换 (Patterns transformation)(共10小题,计10分)

A) 按要求转换下列各句。每空一词。(答案写在答题纸上) 91. Those foreigners liked hot pot very much. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ those foreigners like hot pot?

92. Pass the note back to me. (改用委婉客气的表达方式)

________ you pass the note back to me, ________?

93. None of them agree to meet again. (改为反意疑问句)

None of them agree to meet again, ________ ________?

94. It’s going to be very sunny this afternoon. (对划线部分提问)

________ the ________ going to be like this afternoon?

95. It is a beautiful shot. (改为感叹句)

________ a beautiful shot it ________!

B) 根据上句改写下句,使两句意思相同或相近。每空一词。(答案写在答题纸上)96. The children must close their eyes now.

The children ________ ________ their eyes ________ now.

97. I don’t know where we can grow some vegetables.

I don’t know ________ ________ ________ some vegetables.

98. Holly’s best friend likes to do the same things as she does.

________ Holly ________ her friend ________ to do the same things.

99. Which apple should we give her, the bigger one or the smaller one?



