Species Diversity and Population Status of Threatened Plants in Different Landscape Elemen
Species Diversity and Population Status of Threatened Plants in Different Landscape Elements
of the Rohtang Pass,Western Himalaya
K.N.Singh;Gopichand;Amit Kumar;Brij Lal;N.P.Todaria
【期刊名称】《山地科学学报(英文版)》 【年(卷),期】2008(005)001
【摘要】This paper highlights the quantitative estimates of plant species diversity and ecosysterns of the Rohtang Pass,which is one of the most preferred visiting spots by tourists in Himachal Pradesh(H.P.),India.In spite of high pressure of anthropogenic activities.the Rohtang Pass still harbours a variety of flowering plants with economic value,including various medicinal herbs.In order to observe species diversity in different landscape elements(LSEs),ground surveys were conducted in nine unique LSEs within the elevation range between 3624 m and 4332 m.Plant community structure in each LSE was studied using stratified random sampling where a total 56 quadrats of 1 m2 in size for herbs and 7 quadrats of 25 m2 for shrubs were made.Of the total 50 plant species belonging to 15 families recorded in different random quadrats.24 species were found of medicinal value.Maximum species richness (18)and value of Shannon diversity (H'=2.2648)were observed on northeast-facing slope in Picrorhiza kurrooa dominated LSE in moist area.followed by Rheum emodi LSE(species richness=17 and
Species Diversity and Population Status of Threatened Plants in Different Landscape Elemen