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1.agree with: The sea food doesn’t agree with me. 同意;适合;一致

2.all the same: Tony’s little brother is naughty, but I like him all the same. 仍然

3. amazing: 很棒的, 精彩的, 令人吃惊的 4. a melting pot 大融炉

5. a mess: It is in a mess, messy 一团糟反义:in order

6. and how: Jenny’s an excellent dancer. B: and how? 我同意(I agree) 7. any time: Call me any time.

8. rent an apartment: apartment—hunting 租公寓 9. apply for a job/ citizenship

10.be around: Somebody hasn’t been around these days. 在附近;他这几天都不在

11.a sore feet/ throat 脚疼/嗓子疼

12.at a loss: I am at a loss for words. 不知所措

13.at the scene: Policeman found a revolver(左轮手枪) at the scene. 在现场

14.current issue 当今热点

15.beat about the bush. 旁敲侧击

16.Before long: It wasn’t long before. My husband will be back here before long. 17.behind schedule: The train seems to be behind schedule. 晚点

18.bent on/upon: Are you bent on going abroad ? 一心一意要;决心…致力于 19.beyond compare: Her performance yesterday is beyond compare.绝佳;极好;无与伦比

20.be bound to do sth. 肯定;必然;注定 21.break down: car坏了

22.by and large: By and large, he is a kind man.大体上;基本上 23.by no means: I am by no means pleased with him.绝不 24.call it a day: Let’s call it a day 决定或同意;暂时或永久停止(进行某事物) 25.call off: I had to call our appointment off the trip.取消

26.call on: Weren’t you nervous when the professor call on you in class?拜访;叫 27.carry away: Don’t be carried away by his praise.是激动而失去自制力

28.come out of the accident alive大难不死

29.come up: New designs are coming up do you have a math …?出来,长出,发芽 30.correspondence course 函授课程

31.crash into:I saw the car crash into the trunk撞上

32.cut out: I am not cut out to be a scientist. 天生适合做某事

33.doze off: The class is so boring that I can’t help dozing off.打瞌睡 34.drop by/ in on somebody: Would you drop by the lab for a minute? 顺便走访

35. extend from…to 延展,伸展,扩大 36. faculty members 全体人员

37. feel free to do something: Feel free to ask questions.无需拘束;心安理得

38. figure out: I am trying to figure out how to work on the machine.想出

39. find fault with somebody埋怨;挑剔;找毛病 40. got a flat tyre车胎没气了

41. for one’s own good/ benefit为了某人的利益 42. get one’s promotion得到提拔

43. get over: I am just getting over my cold忘却/病愈 44. give somebody a lift搭车 45. go on a diet节食

46. go up: The cost is going up every where.上涨 47. hand over: Hand over the check.交出;移交;让与 48. have an appointment with somebody

49. have done with: Have you done with the book?看完(finish)

50. have one’s hands full: I already have my hands full with the book report. 活忙 51. hold up: Jenny’s car was held up in traffic.耽搁

52. Ill at ease: You won’t feel ill at ease any more. 不安的 53. Just about: I don’t know what to get for your father, he has just about everything.几乎,正是 54. Keep in good order保持好的秩序 55. Kill time消磨时间 56. Be laid off:下岗

57. Leave for: The train is going to leave for Shanghai.

58. Lose weight 减肥 59. In person: Face to face 亲自 60. Mark/ grade/ score the papers评卷

2013同等学力英语口语交际常用短语汇总2 1.account for 由于,因为;解释,说明 2.after all 到底,终究,归根结底;尽管 3. anything but 绝对不

4. as far as I know 据我所知 5. at any time 随时

6. at sb’s service 随时帮助某人 7. back up 倒退,后退;支持,鼓励 8. be about to 将要

9. be enthusiastic about 热衷于,对…充满热情 10. be sick/tired of 厌倦,厌恶 11. be through with 完成

12. be up to 胜任,能做(工作、任务等);忙于,从事于,正在做;取决于 13. bear up well (在困境中)忍耐,泰然

14. between you and me 只你我知道,对外保密 15. carry out 贯彻,实施;执行,遵循 16. clear up 天气放晴,雨过天晴

17. come along 进行,运行,进展;跟随,加入;出现

18. come around/come round 恢复,复原;改变,看法,改变观点 19. come down with 得病

20. come into 获得钱财(尤指意外之财) 21. come up with 提出

22. 23. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. cool off 使安静,冷静

count in 包括在内24. count out 排除在外 cut down on 减少某方面的数量、价格等

day in and day out 日夜不停地,夜以继日地 dig up (information) 搜集到,查到(资料等) do good 有效果,起作用 do the laundry 洗衣服 drop off 让…下车

drop out of 退学,失学 due to 由于,因为

easier said than done 说起来容易做起来难 end up 到达某种状态、结果;到头来 every other 每隔一个

fall back on 依赖,依靠;求助于 far from 毫不,远非,根本不是 feel free to 表示准许

few and far between 难得,少见,稀少

figure out 找出,决定;解决,算出,理解,弄明白 find out (经研究或查询)获知 finish up 用完,完成

food for thought 发人深思的东西 for nothing/for free (口语)免费 for sale 某物是打算出售的,要卖出的 hand out 分发(材料等)

head and shoulder above 胜过,超过

help (oneself/sb) to为自己或某人取(食物、饮料等) help sb with sth帮某人做某事

hold off 保持距离,回绝;推迟,拖延 hold up 阻碍,延误;持久,耐用 in ages 很长时间

in shape 状态,状况

in good shape (指物)状态良好;(指人)身体健康

in bad/poor shape (指人或物)处于不良状态或处境,健康不佳 in memory of 纪念

in next to no time/in no time 很快 in spite of 不顾,不管,尽管 in the event that 在…情况下 in the red 赤字,负债

in the world (用来加重语气)到底,究竟 in vain 无结果的,徒然

inside out 把里面翻到外面,彻底 in a mess 乱糟糟

job offer 工作,工作机会或职位

just any (not) just any (用于否定句中)不随意地,无目的地



