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第四课时 Section B(2a~2e)

01 基础过关


1.Don't worry.You still have e________ time to finish your math test. 2.That new b________ has about 30 floors.

3.We can do lots of a________ after school like swimming,singing and dancing.4.It's raining outside.Please take an u________ with you. 5.We all got w________ in the rain yesterday. Ⅱ.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。

6.Can you find a ________(different) between the two pictures? 7.Alice always ________(try) to help me to learn English well. 8.Are there any ________(bird) in the tree?

9.Living in the village is boring,so she ________(like) it 10.Those children go to school by ________(bicycle) every day. Ⅲ.单项选择。

( )11.—The weather was really cold yesterday. —Yes.It was five ________ zero last night. A.under B.belowC.down D.between

( )12.Last Sunday we didn't go out ________ the rain. A.because of B.becauseC.in front of D.before

( )13.I ate a big bowl of noodles five minutes ago.Now I'm not ________. A.tried B.hungryC.cold D.busy

( )14.Mike decided ________ the museum this Sunday. A.visit B.Visits C.visiting D.to visit ( )15.—What would you like? —We'd like two ________ and some beef soup. A.bowls of rices B.bowl of rice C.bowls of rice D.bowl of rices Ⅳ.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。 16.昨天聚会上我感觉自己像个孩子一样。 I ________ ________ a child at the party yesterday. 17.你的老师正在教室里等你。

Your teacher is ________ ________ you in the classroom. 18.因为这糟糕的天气,我们必须待在家里。

We had to stay at home ________ ________ the bad weather. 19.我们决定乘公交车去公园。

We ________ ________ ________ the bus to the park 20.我想知道她正在做什么。

X K B 1.C O M

I ________ what ________ ________ doing. 02 能力提升 Ⅴ.短文填词。


most,I,with,interesting,wait,kilometer,because,restaurant,wonder,sun I felt tired last week,so I decided to take a trip to Yuntaishan,Henan.Last Friday,I took the train to Xinxiang__21__my classmate,Liu Fang.It was about 55__22__away from Yuntaishan.The train left Beijing at 9:35 pm.There were many people on the train.__23__ people on the train slept at night,but we talked happily.The train arrived in Xinxiang at 4:21 am the next day.At the train station,we__24__about half an hour for the bus to Yuntaishan.When we got off the bus,we found a__25__and had a good breakfast.Then we walked into Yuntaishan.We visited Tanpuxia in the morning.In the afternoon,we visited Hongshixia.Everything there was __26__.But we took few photos__27__of the rain.The next day,it was __28__.We went to the Longmen Grottoes(龙门石窟) and Shaolin Temple.They were __29__.At Shaolin Temple,I bought something for __30__,and Liu Fang bought a gift for his brother.We really enjoyed this trip.

21.________ 22.________ 23.________24.________ 25.________ 26.________27.________ 28.________ 29.________30.________

Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?

第一课时 Section A(1a~2d)

Ⅰ.1.Most 2.anywhere 3.few 4.anyone 5.wonderful Ⅱ.6.beaches 7.special 8.central 9.relax 10.didn't watch Ⅲ.11-15 ADACB

Ⅳ.16.go to summer camp 17.most of the time 18.quite a few 19.anything special 20.studies for tests Ⅴ.21-25 EGAFC

第二课时 Section A(3a~3c)

Ⅰ.1.diary 2.nothing 3.everyone 4.Someone 5.pigs Ⅱ.6-10 ADCBD

Ⅲ.11.Did;want;anything 12.she didn't 13.Where did;go 14.buy;for 15.Did;feed Ⅳ.16-20 BCDAD

第三课时 Section B(1a~1e)

Ⅰ.1.delicious 2.exciting 3.terrible 4.boring 5.expensive Ⅱ.6.were 7.came 8.didn't do 9.watched 10.did;get;got Ⅲ.11-15 CDCBA

Ⅳ.16.didn't do anything 17.How were 18.When did;buy 19.Why did;want 20.Of course

Ⅴ.21.Where did you go on vacation? 22.How was your vacation?

23.Yes,I did. 24.Did you go shopping? 25.Could I have a look at them?

第四课时 Section B(2a~2e)

Ⅰ.1.enough 2.building 3.activities 4.umbrella 5.wet Ⅱ.6.difference 7.tries 8.birds 9.dislikes 10.bicycle Ⅲ.11-15 BABDC

Ⅳ.16.felt like 17.waiting for 18.because of 19.decided to take 20.wonder;she is

Ⅴ.21.with 22.kilometers 23.Most 24.waited 25.restaurant 26.interesting 27.because 28.sunny 29.wonderful 30.myself



