【期刊名称】《中华胸心血管外科杂志》 【年(卷),期】2019(035)001
【摘要】目的 总结开展NorwoodⅠ期手术的临床应用经验.方法 2016年6月至2018年10月,5例新生儿行NorwoodⅠ期手术,男3例,女2例;体质量2.10~3.90 kg,中位值2.95 kg;手术时为出生后1~8天.5例均在深低温停循环下行Norwood手术,其中例1、2、3采用改良B-T分流,例4、5采用RV-PA分流.结果 例3术后第2天成功关胸并脱离呼吸机,术后第6天因重度感染致弥漫性血管内凝血死亡.例5术后10 h死于心包压塞.例1、2、4术后随访,出院1个月心功能Ⅰ级.例1、2因个人原因未再随访;例4术后9个月行双向Glenn手术,术后恢复顺利.结论 经典Norwood手术的改良方法和技术的应用,有助于积累治疗左心发育不良类疾病的经验.%Objective To review the clinical experience with the Norwood stage Ⅰprocedure.Methods Between June 2016 to October 2018, totally 5 neonates underwent Norwood stage Ⅰ procedure.There were 3 boys and 2 girls, weighing(2. 98 ±0.60)kg with median of 2.95 kg.Age at surgeries ranged from 1 to 8 days.All 5 cases underwent the Norwood stage Ⅰprocedure under deep hypothermic circulatory arrest, including 3 cases of modified Blalock-Taussig shunts (MBTS) and 2 ca-ses of RV-PA shunt.Results The third case was successfully closed the chest on postoperative day 2 and extubated, but died from DIC due to severe infection on the