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Unit test

Part I: Vocabulary and Structure

Section A: Complete each sentence using the correct word or expression from the box.

manufacturer emotion melt paste properties

popularity confess perception region despair

enormous trait flavour juicy release

highly slippery luxury nonsense vitamins

1. The

flavourof the juice was a mix of mango and strawberry. Your answer flavour


Correct answer flavour

2. I think the

texture of tofu adds to the experience of eating it.

Correct answer slippery

of China is famous for spicy food?

Correct answer region

of their responsibilities.

Your answer slippery

region3. Do you know which

Your answer region

4. The young generation need to get a clear * *

Your answer perception

despairCorrect answer perception

as she realized she would never learn 5. Sarah shook her head in how to make sushi.

Your answer despair

popularityCorrect answer despair

of coffee among young people in China.

Correct answer popularity

paste6. I was surprised at the

Your answer popularity

7. His favourite snack is a steamed bun with a filling of sesame


Your answer paste

Correct answer paste

8. I must

confessthat I am in the minority of people who don't like pizza. Your answer confess


Correct answer confess

recommended by a review in the 9. The new French restaurant was local newspaper.

Your answer highly

Correct answer highly

vitamins10. John eats a lot of fruit because his doctor told him he needs the and minerals.

Your answer

Correct answer

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had to work overtime to fill all the orders from 11. The furniture

new restaurants downtown.

Your answer manufacturer

Correct answer manufacturer

trait12. The ability to eat extremely spicy food is a(n) from my father.

I must have inherited Your answer trait

propertiesCorrect answer trait

that cure people with skin 13. The herb appears to have healing disorders.

Your answer properties

Correct answer properties

14. A(n)

enormousamount of beef is eaten by Americans every year. Your answer enormous


Correct answer enormous

: first-class tickets, fine wines, 15. She only likes to travel in complete and expensive food.

Your answer luxury

Correct answer luxury

melt16. Don't let the chocolate bar sit in the sun too long or it will everywhere.

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Your answer melt

Correct answer melt

release17. I went fishing with my brother last weekend but had to because they were too small.

all my fish Your answer release

Correct answer release

juicy18. Stefan returned the steak because it was too for a longer time.

; he wanted it cooked Your answer juicy

Correct answer juicy

19. The emotionI feel when I eat lasagna is strong; it reminds me of my grandmother's cooking.

Your answer emotion

Correct answer emotion

nonsense20. The idea that donuts and cookies are healthy foods is total


Your answer nonsense

Correct answer nonsense

Section B: Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable word. 21. Mexico,

whichis famous for tacos and burritos, actually has a wide range of dishes.

Your answer

Correct answer

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22. Once I came age, my father thought I needed to try pig's feet — the

specialty of his hometown.

Your answer of

onCorrect answer of

me; I can take it or leave it.

Correct answer on

to23. Chocolate has absolutely no effect

Your answer on

24. Non-smokers also hate the smell of cigarette, which usually clings smoker's body even after they have washed their hands.

a Your answer to

whoCorrect answer to

25. The Chinese, green tea.

are famous tea drinkers, grow much of the world's Your answer who

onCorrect answer who

money dining out and 26. The couple spend an enormous portion travelling.

Your answer on

Correct answer of

from27. Nearly every country's food is available in New York City,

German sausages and French bread to Japanese sushi and Chinese dumplings.



