英国女王柯基犬去世 曾亮相伦敦奥运短片
One of the Queen's corgis, which featured in the James Bond skit at the London Olympic opening ceremony, has died, Buckingham Palace has confirmed。英国女王一只曾在伦敦奥运会开幕式007短剧中亮相的柯基犬近日离开了我们,白金汉宫证实了这则消息。
Monty, 13, who originally belonged to the Queen Mother, died over the weekend, the Daily Mail reported。据《每日邮报》报道,这只13岁的柯基犬名叫蒙蒂,曾是女王母亲王太后的爱宠。它于上周末去世。
Monty had a starring role in the Bond skit performed by the Queen and actor Daniel Craig when he, along with corgis Holly and Willow, ran down the stairs to greet Craig and escort him to meet the Queen。在007扮演者丹尼尔 克雷格和女王一起拍摄的《007短片》中,蒙蒂和另外两只柯基犬Holly, Willow一起,从楼梯上跑下来迎接007先生,并陪他一起去觐见女王陛下。
They performed a series of belly rolls, and escorted the pair to their helicopter where a Queen look-a-like took over。它们还做了一系列的翻滚动作,并护送着女王和007走向直升机。在那里,一位女王的替身代女王登了机。
The breed has been associated with the Windsors since 1933, when the future George VI bought his first pembroke corgi.1933年,当时还未登基的乔治六世带了他的第一只彭布罗克柯基犬回家。从那以后,柯基犬这个品种就与温莎家族联系在了一起。
Monty was named after Monty Roberts, the American subject of a BBC documentary, A Real Horse Whisperer, according to the Sunday Times。据《星期日泰晤士报》报道,蒙蒂这个名字来自蒙蒂-罗伯茨,他是一部BBC纪录片中的美国主演,也是一位能与马交流的“马语者”。 Roberts, 77, who advises the Queen on horses and corgis, has reportedly offered her a corgi puppy to carry on the tradition, reported the Daily Mail。罗伯茨今年已77岁,他是女王的马厩及犬类顾问。据《每日邮报》报道,他最近送了女王一只小柯基犬,以帮助皇室延续传统。
Monty was part of the pack which attacked Princess Beatrice's dog Max last month。上个月,女王孙女比阿特丽斯公主的小狗Max受到柯基犬群攻击,蒙蒂也难逃其咎。
The 11-year-old terrier nearly lost an ear and suffered several gruesome bites。可怜的Max是一只11岁的小梗犬,它几乎丢了一只耳朵,身上也有多处严重咬伤。 The palace also confirmed the death of Cider, a dorgi, or dachshund-corgi cross-breed. It is not known exactly how they died, although it is believed to be natural causes. Two other dorgis, Candy and Vulcan, remain。白金汉宫同时也证实了另一只叫Cider的道吉犬(腊肠犬与柯基的混种)去世的消息。这两只狗的死亡原因均不详,但人们普遍相信是自然死亡。另两只道吉犬Candy和Vulcan依然存活着。