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c. a feeling of great sadness, usually because someone has died or

becausesomething terrible has happenedd. a reason that you give to explain careless or badbehaviour

e. a large building where sick or injured people are looked after and receivedmedical treatment

A. dbecaB. bcedaC. cbeadD. cbead

36. (1) entertainment(2) blackboard(3) channel(4) phrase(5) offencea. a group of words that together have a particular meaning

b. behaviour which makes someone angry

c. things such as film, TV etc that amuse or interest people

d. a board with a dark smooth surface used in schools for writing on with chalke. a passage that water or other liquids flow along

A. cbdaeB. cbeadC. cedbaD. cdeab

37. (1) legal(2) encourage(3) dilemma(4) hammer(5) digest

a. a tool with a heavy metal part on a long handle, used for hitting nails intowood or something else

b. to change food that you have just eaten into what your body can usec. to say or do something that helps someone have courage to do somethingd. allowed, ordered or approved by law

e. a situation in which it is hard to decide what to do because all the choicesseem equally good or equally badA. dceabB. cdebaC. caebdD. cabde

38. (1) kettle(2) measure (3) lounge(4) seed(5) harmony

a. a metal or plastic container with a lid, a handle and a spout used to boil

waterb. to live or work together without fighting or disagreeing with each otherc. an official action that is intended to deal with a particular problemd. a small comfortable public room in a hotel or other building used by manypeople

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e. a small hard object produced by plants, from which a new plant of the samekind grows

A. cadebB. cdaebC. cdeabD. acdeb

39. (1) zipper(2) quilt(3) yoghurt(4) bow(5) radiation a. to bend your upper body forward

b. a thick liquid food that tests slightly sour and is made from milkc. two lines of small metal or plastic pieces that slide together to fasten a pieceof clothing d. a warm thick cover for a bed made of cloth filled with something such asfeather, cotton

e. energy in the form of heat or light sent out as beam that you cannon seeA. cbadeB. cdbaeC. dcbaeD. cbaed

40. (1) confirm(2) forest(3) brick(4) journalist(5) drawer

a. someone who writes news reports for newspapers, magazines, television orradios.

e. a hard block of baked clay used for building walls, houses etc. A. acbedB. cbaedC.cbeadD. cbeda

V. Choose the right word in order to complete the word in right form in eachsentence according to the meaning of the sentence and the initial(根据句意及首字母补全单词):41 Sorry to have d_______ answering your letter because of pressureof time

A. decidedB. delayedC. discussedD. disliked 42. Do it now, o_________, it will be too late. A. orallyB. outwardsC. otherwiseD. obviously

43. The c________ were drawn. We couldn’t observe himfrom the window.A. casesB. companiesC. curtainsD. cottages

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44. The wounded soldier walked with great d_______________. A. disasterB. discourageC. distanceD. difficulty

45. The patient is gathering his s____________ with every passing day.A. strengthB. seedsC. screamD. secretary

46. He’ll be back soon. He has ridden a m___________ to the station to meet afriend.

A. minibusB. motorC. missileD. machine

47. He was the y___________ of the three noblemen. A. youthB. youngestC. yellowD. yours

48. Science and t____________ have made our motherland rich and powerfulA. testB. taxC. technologyD. teaching

49. In r_____________ years, advances in medical science have made it possiblefor people to live longer than in the past.

A. redB. realC. rightD. recent

50. Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on

thisc____________ a new nation conceived in liberty and dedicated to the propositionthat all men are created equally.

A. countryB. contentC. continentD. county

VI. Guess the meaning of the underlined words according to the context of eachsentence, and choose the best answer(根据句意猜测词义):

51. An Wang was born in Shanghai, China, in 1920. He came to America as animmigrant at the age of twenty-five.


52. The usual symptoms of a cold are a runny nose, coughing, sneezing, a throatache and aching muscles.

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53. Jane is indecisive, that is, she can’t make up her mind. A.优柔寡断的B.明察秋毫的C.勤学好问的D.倾国倾城的

54. The Christmas dinner includes poultry for the main course such as chicken,turkey, duck and goose.


55. He had a wan look. He was so pale and weak that we thought he was ill. 57. His uncle was a roamer, a wanderer who could never stay in one place.A.流浪者B.探险者C.旅行者D.迁徙者

58. When Wilma Rudolf was very young, shegot a disease called polio. Wilma’slegs began to have problems.


59. He replied quickly. But after he considered the problem more carefully, heregretted having made such a hasty decision.


60. Because it was very contagious, everyone in the family came down with adisease.


VII.Compare the phrases and choose the best answer to each sentence(短语辨义):

61. More advanced technique information was ________ from abroad.A. brought outB. brought inC. brought onD. brought up

62. I don't understand what he said _______ at the meeting yesterday.A. in allB. after allC. at allD. all above

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63. Girls ________ one third of the total student population in Jianli GeneralSchool, Xiangyu Group, which _________5140 students.

A. make of; is made upB. make up; is made up of C. make from; make upD. made into; make up of

64. It's really difficult to _________ a conversation with someone who only says\

A. keep outB. keep offC. keep onD. keep up

65. On Christmas Day in western countries, people walk about in the street__________their best.

A. and wearB. and put onC. dressed inD. to wear

66. He didn't go into detail on the subject. He spoke _________. A. in generalB. in particularC. in commonD. in short 67. I hate _______ large impersonal companies.

A. referring toB. bringing aboutC. looking forD. dealing with

68. The news was a terrible blow to her, but she will _______ the shock soon.A. get outB. get throughC. get offD. get over

69. The congress opened with a three-minute silence ___________ those whodied in the terrible earthquake in Wenchuan, SichaunProvince.

A. in need ofB. in search ofC. with the help ofD. in memory of

70.—How did they discover the entrance to the underground palace?—Totally ________.

A. take the chanceB. no accidentC. by chanceD. on purpose

IIX.Translate the following into English words according the part of speech(按照词性将下列汉语翻译成英语单词):74.上帝的,神圣的——_____________ adj.

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