High-density Linkage Map of Cultivated Allotetraploid Cotton Based on SSR, TRAP, SRAP and
High-density Linkage Map of Cultivated Allotetraploid Cotton Based on SSR, TRAP, SRAP
and AFLP Markers
Jiwen Yu; Shuxun Yu; Cairui Lu; Wu Wang; Shuli Fan; Meizhen Song; Zhongxu Lin; Xianlong Zhang ; Jinfa Zhang
【期刊名称】《《植物学报(英文版)》》 【年(卷),期】2007(049)005
【摘要】A high-density linkage map was constructed for an F2 population derived from an interspecific cross of cultivated allotetraploid species between Gossyplum hirsutum L. and G. barbadense L. A total of 186 F2 individuals from the interspecific cross of \RI 36 × Hai 7124\were genotyped at 1 252 polymorphic loci including
polymorphism (TRAP). The map consists of 1 097 markers, including 697 simple sequence repeats (SSRs), 171 TRAPs, 129 sequence-related amplified polymorphisms, 98 amplified fragment length polymorphisms, and two morphological markers, and spanned 4 536.7 cM with an average genetic distance of 4.1 cM per marker. Using 45 duplicated SSR loci among chromosomes, 11 of the 13 pairs of homologous chromosomes were identified in tetraplold cotton. This map will provide an essential resource for high resolution mapping of quantitative trait loci and molecular breeding in cotton.
High-density Linkage Map of Cultivated Allotetraploid Cotton Based on SSR, TRAP, SRAP and