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作者:秦粉菊 刘恒蔚 袁红霞 来源:《高教学刊》2019年第04期
摘 要:科教协同育人是新形势下增强科技创新能力与培养高素质创新型人才的重要途径。苏州科技大学生物技术专业以导师科研项目为载体,采用科研导师制鼓励本科生参与其中,开展精英化培養。科研导师制以能力培养为导向,拓宽了学生视野,增加了学生求知欲,激发了学生科研积极性,进而充分发挥学生的主观能动性,激励学生进行创新创业实践科研竞赛项目,促进创新思维和创新能力的培养。实践证明,基于科研导师制的科教协同育人模式是培养高素质创新型人才培养的有效手段。 关键词:科研导师制;生物技术;协同育人
中图分类号:G642 文献标志码:A 文章编号:2096-000X(2019)04-0014-03
Abstract: Co-education model of science and teaching is an important way to enhance scientific and technological innovation ability and cultivate high-quality innovative talents under the new situation. The biotechnology major of Suzhou University of Science and Technology took the tutor scientific research project as the carrier, and adopted the scientific research tutorial system to encourage undergraduates to participate in it and carry out elite training. The scientific research
tutorial system is oriented at ability, which broadened students' vision, increased students' thirst for knowledge, stimulated students' enthusiasm for scientific research, then gave full play to students' subjective initiative, encouraged students to carry out innovative and entrepreneurial practice scientific research projects, and promoted the cultivation of innovative thinking and innovative
ability. Practice has proved that the co-education model of science and teaching based on the scientific research tutorial system is an effective means to cultivate high-quality and innovative talents. Keywords: research mentoring system; biotechnology; cooperative education
教育部2018年10月印发的“新时代高教40条”指出“围绕激发学生学习兴趣和潜能深化教学改革,改革教学管理制度,深化创新创业教育改革,提升学生综合素质。” “构建全方位全过程深融合的协同育人新机制,完善协同育人机制,加强实践育人平台建设,强化科教协同育人,深化国际合作育人,深化协同育人重点领域改革”[1]。产于14世纪的导师制,与学分制、班建制同为三大教育模式[2]。在目前高校实行学分制的教学管理模式下,以能力为导向的本科生科研导师制,培养具有科研能力和创新能力的高层次精英人才,成为新时代下与国际高校培养模式接轨的有效途径[3]。