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[?] 发这个音的字母和字母组合a

a: dad cap cat bad apple bag flag hand rabbit ant black fat has stand rat map

根据发音规则,找出每组中发[?]的单词。 1.rat bed face sport 2.hear cup fat pear 3.rice bat finger tree 4.sea young knife apple

bag [ [b?g] ]包 fan [ f?n ] 风扇 math [ m?θ ]数学 jacket [ 'd??kit ] 夹克衫 rabbit [ 'r?bit ] 兔子 apple [ '?pl ]苹果 can [ k?n] 可以 cabbage ['k?bid?] 卷心菜



[e] 发这个音的字母和字母组合e ea e: egg bell desk leg pet ten pen ea: bread head breakfast

根据发音规则,找出每组中不发[e]的单词。 1.cat well leg pen 2.sweat map pet elephant 3.egg ten tall desk 4.bread head bed toy

6 / 25You are the best! 6

young [ j?? ]年轻人 funny [ 'f?ni ]滑稽可笑的 Monday['m?ndi ]星期一 Sunday['s?ndi ] lunch [ l?nt? ]午餐 under [ '?nd? ]在…下面 sometimes [ 's?mtaimz ]有时


[?:] 发这个音的字母和字母组合er ir ur ear or er: her serve term

ir:bird girl skirt first dirty skirt shirt ur:nurse Thursday turtle purple curtain ear:early learn or: word work world

根据发音规则,圈出每组中元音字母组合发音相同的单词。 1.thirty beer thirsty wheat 2. bank king her nurse

3.turtle bird rabbit knee 4.room run shirt term

curtain [ 'k?:t?n ]窗帘 her [ h?:]她的 shirt [ ??:t ]衬衫 girl [g?:l ] 女孩 thirty [ 'θ?:ti ]三十


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skirt [ sk?:t ]裙子 nurse [ n?:s ]护士 [?] 发这个音的字母和字母组合ure er ar or a e ure: picture

er:teacher brother dinner father sister ar: sugar or:doctor

a:panda about above camera sofa China

根据发音规则,找出发[?]的2个单词写在后面的横线上。 1.mother sofa road smile 2.sit father sister food 3. hair deer tiger China 4.sugar soon ear leader

today [ t?'dei ]今天 mirror [ 'mir? ]镜子 river [ 'riv? ]河,江 summer [ 's?m? ]夏季 winter [ 'wint? ] 冬季 colour [ 'k?l? ]颜色computer [ k?m'pju:t? ]电脑 kangaroo [ ,k?ng?'ru: ]袋鼠



grass [grɑ:s]草 smart[smɑ:t]聪明 park [ pɑ:k ] 公园 grandpa [ 'ɡr?ndpɑ: ]爷爷 classroom [ 'klɑ:srum ]教室 farm [ fɑ:m ] 农田 farmer [ 'fɑ:m? ]农夫 bathroom [ 'bɑ:θrum ] 卫生间 are [ ɑ:]是


8 / 25You are the best! 8

[?:] 发这个音的字母和字母组合a aw al or oor a: water

aw:draw strawberry al:ball wall

or:horse corn fork or short oor:floor door

根据发音规则,找出发[?:]的1个单词写在后面的横线上。 1.tall bird bread poor 2.idea chair sport hare

3.cake bear walk cup 4.drink short bag milk

floor [ fl?: ] 地板 tall [ t?:l ]高的 for [f?:]为了 salty [ 's?:lti ]咸的 walk [ w?:k ]走 board [ b?:d ]木板


[?] 发这个音的字母和字母组合o a o: fox coffee dog shop dog doctor long a: watch

根据发音规则,找出发[?:]的2个单词写在后面的横线上。 1.doctor teacher box clothes 2.cold zoo clock dog

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short [ ??:t ] 不足fall [ f?:l ]秋天 wall [ w?:l ]墙

3.love boss lot violin 4.watch beach fox girl

closet [ 'kl?zit ]壁橱 forest [ 'f?rist ]森林 because [ bi'k?z ]因为 mom [ m?m ]妈妈 what [ hw?t]什么 chopsticks [ 't??pstiks ]筷子 dog [ [d?ɡ]狗 doctor [ d?kt? ]医生 sock [ s?k ]袜子


[u:] 发这个音的字母和字母组合o oo ui o: do who whose oo: food moon too ui: fruit juice u: ruler rude


1. juice moon zoo panda 2. tooth broom eye spoon

3. head boot noodles pool 4. noon cool boot watch

fruit [ fru:t ]水果 noon [ nu:n ]中午 kangaroo [ ,k?ng?'ru: ]袋鼠 school [ sku:l ]学校 blue [ blu: ]蓝色的 cool [ ku:l ] 凉爽的 shoe [ ?u: ] 鞋子 room [ ru:m ]房间 soup [ su:p ] 汤


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