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1. 控制无意识以及重要生命功能(如呼吸和血液循环)的脑部结构是

A. pons B. medulla C. cerebellum D. corpus callosum 2. 动觉系统(kinesthetic system)与以下什么有关?

A. maintaining the relative position of body parts B. the location of the body in space C. the sense of forward acceleration D. sensing body movement, as in a car 3. 下面哪位心理学家最先提出“自由意志是一种错觉”(\)?

A. Abraham Maslow B. Wilhelm Wundt C. B.F. Skinner D. Carl Rogers

4. 小王对一个疗养院的住户进行有关年龄的描述性统计。她算出来住户的平均年龄是75


A. the standard deviation for the data set will decrease B. the standard deviation for the data set will not change C. the standard deviation for the data set will increase

D. the correlation coefficient for the data set will become negative

5. 研究人员设计了一项研究来考察儿童的行为是否会受到其他儿童在场影响。首先,儿童


A. the independent variable B. an extraneous variable C. a control variable

D. the dependent variable

6. 下面的相关系数中,最不可能根据一个变量来预测另一个变量的是:

A. 0.00 B. +0.99 C. +0.17 D. -0.50

7. 研究人员想要知道富含蛋白质的饮食是否会提高大鼠在走迷宫时的表现。一组大鼠吃高

蛋白食物,而另一组大鼠吃普通食物。在这个研究中,吃高蛋白食物的大鼠是 组;吃普通食物的是 组。

A. 控制;控制 B. 控制;实验 C. 实验;实验 D. 实验;控制

8. 下面哪一句关于感觉经验的内在测量(inner measurements)的论述最准确:

A. There is generally a one-to-one correspondence with the physical intensity of the


B. There is a one-to-one correspondence with the physical intensity of the stimulus at lower intensity levels, but not at higher intensity levels.

C. There is no one-to-one correspondence with the physical intensity of the stimulus, especially at the higher intensity levels.

D. Although there is a one-.to-one correspondence with the physical intensity of the stimulus far vision, there is no similar correspondence for hearing.

9. 在昏暗的光线中,眼睛的瞳孔会:

A. dilated, producing a sharper image B. constricted, producing a sharper image

C. constricted, producing an image that is not as sharp D. dilated, producing an image that is not as sharp 10. 耳朵的哪一个部分与保持平衡有关?

A. the cochlea

B. the basilar membrane C. the semicircular canals D. the ossicles

11. 设计一台会下象棋的超级计算机工程师向一位心理学家求助,来设计一个问题解决的算

法,这位心理学家最有可能是: A. a behavioral psychologist B. a humanistic psychologist C. a biological psychologist D. a cognitive psychologist

12. 小林参加了一个关于压力反应(stress reaction)的实验,以下哪个仪器最有可能用来测

量她的肌肉紧张状态(muscle tension)? A. electromyograph B. circadiometer

C. electroencephalograph D. polygraph

13. 根据Freud关于梦的内容的研究,以下哪个最不可能出现在一个学生的梦里?

A. falling from the top of a tall building on campus B. being chased by his or her most feared instructor

C. a political candidate who held strong views about tuition increases D. missing an important exam

14. 如果你从洛杉矶乘飞机往东京飞(向西飞),你会飞过6个时区,根据倒时差(Jet lag)

经验法你每飞过一个时区需要_ ,或者总共需要 来调整时差。 A. 三分之二天;四天 B. 一天;六天 C. 两天;十二天 D. 四小时;大约一天 15. 为了弱化或者消除条件化反应(conditional response),你需要呈现:

A. the UCS before the CS several times B. the CS alone several times C. the UCS alone several times D. extra pairings of the CS and UCS

16. 明明是个四岁大的孩子,他的父母想教他说“请”和“谢谢”。他们最好通过什么方法


A. classical conditioning B. higher-order conditioning C. non-contingent reinforcement D. operant conditioning

17. 有一只在斯金纳箱里面的大鼠,每次红灯亮时它需要按一下杠。但是,当绿灯亮时大鼠

不按杠。这时,灯的颜色是一个: A. a positive reinforcer for bar pressing B. a negative reinforcer for bar pressing

C. an unconditioned stimulus for bar pressing D. a discriminative stimulus for bar pressing 18. ShaquilIe是一位职业篮球运动员,他不知道他每次投篮是否都能命中,但是他投的次数

越多,他就可能命中越多次。这个例子中,Shaquille的投篮行为是以什么方式被强化的? A. a fixed-ratio schedule B. a fixed-interval schedule C. a variable-ratio schedule D. a variable-interval schedule 19. 信息进入记忆系统以及之后被运用的过程是:

A. encoding→retrieval→storage B. encoding→storage→retrieval C. storage→retrieval→acquisition D. acquisition→encoding→retrieval

20. Hayden向Shane解释他的新电脑游戏规则。这些关于规则的信息是从Hoyden的_ _中提取的?

A. prospective memory B. declarative memory C. procedural memory D. implicit memory

21. 功能固着(Functional fixedness)是指:

A. continued use of problem solving strategies that have worked in the past B. arriving at a particularly insightful solution to a problem

C. focusing on information that is irrelevant to the solution of the problem D. not seeing a new function for a familiar abject

22. Elisa在输入一个关于成年男性的调查问卷数据。其中一个被试的身高是195 cm,但是

关于他职业描述的字迹难以辨认。看起来像“basketball player”或“bank president”。她决定输入篮球运动员为职业,这个时候Elisa,

A. demonstrated the conjunction fallacy in making her decision

B. probably relied on the representativeness heuristic to make her decision C. demonstrated overextension in making her decision

D. probably relied on the availability heuristic to make her decision 23. 一个十岁的小孩在比奈智力测试上得了8分,请问他的智商是: A. 80 B. 100 C. 125 D. 75 24. 皮亚杰认为认知发展包括

A. stages that are characterized by fundamentally different thought processes

B. increases in the quantity, but not the quality, of knowledge with age. C. passive reception of environmental stimuli D. age-related changes in attention and memory 25. 信度(Reliability)是指

A. ability of a test to measure what it was designed to measure

B. numerical index that describes the degree of relationship between two variables

C. extent to which there is evidence that a test measures a particular hypothetical construct. D. measurement consistency of a test 26. 下面哪一个变量可以作为最好的预测幸福感的指标?

A. health B. money C. parenthood D. intelligence 27. 下面哪一个人格特质不属于“大五”人格之一? A. emotional B. conscientious C. open to experience

D. neuroticism

28. 如果一个婴儿天生具有小头,听觉障碍,智障和行为发展阵碍,他的母亲最可能在怀孕期间:

A. had smallpox early in her pregnancy B. been an alcoholic C. continued to work during pregnancy D. smoked during pregnancy 29. 孕期(prenatal development)的第一个阶段是: A. embryonic stage B. germinal stage C. fetal stage D. postnatal stage

30. 儿童独立解决问题的实际发展水平与在成人指导下或在与有能力的同伴合作中解决问

题的忙在发展水平之间的差距叫做: A. scaffolding B. conservation C. zone of proximal development D. assimlation 31. 行为治疗师(behavior therapist)治疗变态行为的主要目的是为了发现: A. the childhood unconscious conflict that led to the behavior B. how situational factors are evoking the troublesome behavior

C. the ways in which the behavior keeps the client from becoming self-actualized D. the inappropriate thought patterns that underlie the behavior

32. 根据进化心理学家(evolutionary psychologist)的观点,以下哪个特征在求偶过程

(mating)中是最不重要的? A. ambition B. social status C. financial potential D. physical attractiveness 33. 许多研究表明,态度(attitude)只对行为具有一般预测作用。一种解释是: A. subjects often intentionally lie about both their attitudes and their behavior B. researchers failed to operationalize the concept of an attitude

C. researchers failed to take variations in attitude strength into account

D. general beliefs and feelings aren't likely to predict specify behaviors very well 34. 迟发性运动障碍(Tardive dyskinesia):

A. is a serious side effect of long-term use of antidepressant drugs

B. can be cured with the same medication used to treat Parkinson's disease

C. is a neurological disorder marked by in voluntary writhing and tic-like movements D. can emerge after long-term use of lithium 35. 高成就动机的人会具有以下特征,除了:

A. a tendency to delay gratification in order to pursue long-term goals B. a tendency to respond poorly to negative feedback C. a tendency to work hard on tasks

D. a tendency to be persistent on tasks

36. 类属思维(stereotype)是

A. an organized cluster of ideas about categories of social events attributions B. a widely held belief that people will behave in a certain way

C. a widely held belief that people will have certain characteristics because of their membership in a specific group

D. an estimate as to the correlation between a social trait and its association with behavior


1. 你能想出在现实生活中,除了教育、工作和临床场合之外,其他受到心理测验影响的领


2. 请比较和评价遗忘的两个理论:痕迹消退说(Decay Theory)和干扰说(interference


3. 请比较行为主义(behavorist)和先天论(nativist)关于语言获得的理论。Interactionist


4. 阐述关于音调知觉(pitch perception)的两种理论:地点说(place theory)和频率说

(frequency theory),并且解决它们之间的矛盾。(12分)

5. 请从不同人格理论来分析怎样影响现代生活的某些方面(12分)

6. 简要描述Kohlberg的道德感发展阶段说,并讨论这个理论的优缺点(12分)

7. 什么是归因风格?我们为什么要归因?解释内部归因和外部归因(internal and external




