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Reflection and refraction of plane waves at the boundary of an elastic solid and double-po

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Reflection and refraction of plane waves at the boundary of an elastic solid and double-porosity

dual-permeability materials


【期刊名称】《石油科学(英文版)》 【年(卷),期】2019(016)002

【摘要】Phenomena of reflection and refraction of plane harmonic waves at a plane interface between an elastic solid and doubleporosity dual-permeability material are investigated.The elastic solid behaves non-dissipatively,while double-porosity dual-permeability materials behave dissipatively to wave propagation due to the presence of viscosity in pore fluids.All the waves (i.e.,incident and reflected) in an elastic medium are considered as homogeneous (i.e.,having the same directions of propagation and attenuation),while all the refracted waves in double-porosity dual-permeability materials are inhomogeneous (i.e.,having different directions of propagation and attenuation).The coefficients of reflection and refraction for a given incident wave are obtained as a non-singular system of linear equations.The energy shares of reflected and refracted waves are obtained in the form of an energy matrix.A numerical example is considered to calculate the partition of incident energy among various reflected and refracted waves.The effect of incident direction on the partition of the incident energy is analyzed

Reflection and refraction of plane waves at the boundary of an elastic solid and double-po


