Order processing
While many aspects of information are critical to logistics operations, the process of orders is of primary importance. Failure to fully understand this importance resulted from a failure to understand how distortion and dynamics impact logistical operations. The more responsive the system, the greater the importance is of accurate and timely information regarding customer purchase behavior.
Current information technology is capable of handling the most demanding customer requirements. When desired, order information can be obtained on a real time basis.
The benefit of fast information flow is directly related to work balancing. Data transmission or Web-based communication of orders direct form the customers’ office combine with slower, less costly surface transportation may have achieved
even faster overall delivery service at a lower total cost. The key objective is to balance components of the logistical system.
The inventory requirements of a firm are directly linked to the family network and the desired level of customer service. Theoretically, a firm could stock every item sold in every facility dedicated to servicing each customer. Few business operations can afford such a luxurious inventory commitment because the risk and total cost are prohibitive. The objective in inventory strategy is to achieve desired customer service with the minimum inventory commitment.
Logistical strategies should be designed to maintain the lowest possible financial investment in inventory. The basic goal is to achieve maximum inventory turnover while satisfying service commitments. A sound inventory strategy is based on a combination of five aspects of selective deployment: (1) core customer segmentation, (2) product profitability, (3) transportation integration, (4)
time-based performance, and (5) competitive performance.
Every enterprise that sells to a variety of different customers confronts uneven opportunity. Because highly profitable customers constitute the core market of every enterprise, inventory strategies need to focus on them. The key to effective logistical segmentation rests in the inventory priorities dedicated to support core customers.
Most enterprises experience a substantial variance in the volume and profitability across product lines. If no restrictions are applied, a firm may find that less than 20 percent of all products marketed account for more than 80 percent of total profit. For obvious reasons, an enterprise wants to offer high availability and consistent delivery of its most profitable products.
A firm is typically more desirable to do business with, than competitors, if it can
promise and perform rapid and consistent delivery. Therefore, it may be necessary to position inventory in a specific warehouse to gain competitive advantage even if such commitment increases total cost. Selective inventory deployment policies may be essential to gain a customer service advantage or to neutralize a strength that competitor currently enjoys.
Transportation is the operational area of logistics that geographically moves and positions inventory. Because of its fundamental importance and visible cost, transportation has traditionally received considerable managerial attention. 交通运输是物流系统的运行部分,它包括了地理位置的移动和库存存放,由于它在功能上的重要性和显而易见的成本,因而交通运输受到大量关注。
Transportation requirements can be satisfied in three basic ways. First, a private fleet of equipment may be operated. Second, contracts may be arranged with dedicated transport specialists. Third, an enterprise may engage the services of a wide variety of carriers that provide different transportation services on a per shipment basis. From the logistical system viewpoint, three factors are fundamental to transportation performance: (1) cost, (2) speed, and (3) consistency.
The cost of transport is the payment for shipment between two geographical locations and the expenses related to maintaining in-transit inventory. Logistical systems should utilize transportation that minimizes total system cost.
Speed of transportation is represented by the time required to complete a specific movement. Speed and cost of transportation are related. Thus, a critical aspect of selecting the most desirable mode of transportation is to balance speed and cost of service.
Consistency of transportation refers to variations in time required to perform a specific movement over a number of shipments. Consistency is the most important attribute of quality transportation. With the advent of new information technology to control and report shipment status, logistics managers have begun to seek faster movement while maintaining consistency.