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PEP四年级英语下册U3The third period(第三课时)

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The third period (第三课时)

前进实验小学 史爱东 东山小学 李媚清 车前实验小学 陈道锋

Part A Let's spell


课时灵师不挂怀,冒涉道转延。——韩愈《送灵师》 课时教学内容 ◆玉壶存冰心,朱笔写师魂。——冰心《冰心》 ◆落红不是无情物,化作春泥更护花。出自龚自珍的《己亥杂诗·其五》 ◆教学目标 ·能够通过听例词发音,观察例词中共有的特征,感知并归纳ar和al在单词中的发音规则;跟着录音说唱歌谣,强化记忆ar和al的发音规则 Let's spell ·能够根据ar和al的发音规则读出生词 ·能够在图片的提示下,根据单词的读音拼写出符合ar和al发音规则的单词,补全短语、句子,并在四线三格中工整规范地写出来 ?教学重点 能够通过听例词发音,观察例词中共有的特征,感知并归纳ar和al在单词中的发音规则。 ?教学难点

能够通过发现式的学习方法,观察、感知并归纳ar和al在单词中的发音规则。 ?教学准备

1.预习《状元大课堂》《创优作业100分》《状元作业本》中本课时的相关内容。 2. PPT课件、课文录音、视频等。 ?教学过程

Step 1: Warm-up & Revision & Lead-in

1. Greetings.

2. Enjoy a song—Phonics Song. (课件出示:歌曲相关内容) 3. Revision.

Teaching purpose

欣赏歌曲《Phonics Song》,营造英语语音教学氛围,复习26个字母的发音,为本课后面的学习做铺垫。复习上一个单元的chant并导入新课。

Present the chant of Unit 2. Chant together. (课件出示:教材P16 Read, listen and chant中的听力材料)

4. Lead-in.

T: Well done! Do you want to read more chants? Let's go! Step 2: Presentation

1. Learn the pronunciation of “ar”. (1) Read Chant 1.

Show Chant 1 on the PPT. Students try to read the chant. (课件出示:自编chant)

(2) Look, read and find.

Show the words “arm, car,card” and corresponding pictures on the PPT.(出示课件)

Students look at the wods. Read the words by themselves.

T: What do you find? Ss: They all have “ar”. T: Very good.

Write down the words “arm, car, card” on the blackboard. Write the “ar” in red halk.

(3) Summarize the pronunciation rule.Lead students to summarize th pronunciation rule.

T: Do you know how to read “ar”? Ss: /ɑ?/.

T: Yes. The letter combination “ar” pronounces “/ɑ? /” in th words.

(4) Read the words after the recoring. (出示课件) (5)Say and readsome other words. T: Can you ay other words like this?

Teaching purpose

学生通过读两段分别含有ar和al的chant、观察词形等方法,在教师的引导下逐步归纳出字母组合ar, al的发音规则。通过再次吟诵chant,强化记忆ar和al的发音规则。

Sow some other words that have “ar” on the PPT. Students try to ead them acording to the pronunciation ule of theletter combinaton “ar”. (件出示:带有字母组合ar的单词)

2. Learn the pronunciation of “al”. (1) Read Chant 2.

Show Chant 2 on the PPT. Students try to rad the chant. (课件出示:自编chant 2)

(2) Loo, read and find.

Show te words “tall, ball, wall” and corresponding pictures on the PPT. (出示课件)

Students look at the words. Read the words by themselves. T: What do you find? Ss: They all have “al”. T: Good!

Write down the words “tall, ball, wall” on the blackboard. Write the “al” in red chalk.

(3) Summarize the pronunciation rule.

Lead students to summarize the pronunciation rule. T: Do you know how to read “al” in the words? Ss: / ?: /.

T: Yes. The letter combination “al” pronounces “/ ?: /” in the words.

(4) Read the words after the recording. (出示课件) (5) Say and read some other words. T: Can you say other words like this?

Show some other words that have “al” on the PPT. Students try to read them according to the pronunciation rule of the letter combination “al”. (课件出示:带有字母组合al的单词)

3. Read the chants.

Teaching purpose


PEP四年级英语下册U3The third period(第三课时)


