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Every happiness in the home will have such a person: his shoulder is higher than the mountains, above always leave children once cry marks; his heart than world wide, had always forgive young children to make mistakes; his embrace is warmer than the sun, once had to comfort the lost children... This man is -- father.!


Father's greatness is endless, but my father really is so great?? every day he is busy, come back to eat dinner are hard to! Now that my father regardless of the family. He is also a great??


The start and I did not care about father, because he is so little and I meet, there will be many of his thoughts? But later, \looked at five father and five children in happy together,

the envy ah, very anxious to oneself is the child of a member. What about my father? He's not my father.!

逐步的,羡慕一天天膨胀,变成了嫉妒。偏偏在这时,《爸爸去哪儿》这部电视剧出现了令人感动的一幕:在举行滑沙比赛中,一位叫田雨橙的小女孩想从的沙堆独自滑下来。作为父亲,怎么可能让她去冒险呢?不过她的父亲田亮答应了!令人意想不到的是,田亮在她女儿滑下去的那一瞬间,紧紧抓住滑板的把柄,随着滑板一起跑下去! Gradually, the envy of a day expansion, became jealous. Are at this time, \touching scene: in held sand skiing competition, a little girl named orange to from the top of the sand alone to slide down. As a father, how could let her go on an adventure?? but her father Tian promised! Is unexpected, Tian Liang in her daughter to slide down the moment, hold on tight to slide the handle, with skateboards ran down!

父亲,这个词在我心中因为种种原因,使我感到如此陌生了…… Father, the word in my mind for various reasons, so I feel so strange......

“平日为事业忙碌的爸爸,终于能够陪我从早到晚。 \accompany me from morning to night.

其实我的愿望很简单,如果你有时间,请多陪陪我好吗? In fact, my desire is very simple, if you have time, please stay with me?


Every place you're in,. Is the most beautiful harbor in my heart.\


父亲一定有在关怀着我。仅仅,他的时间与精力都不够,我需要等待。 \lonely heart, happiness is so beautiful...... After reading this poem, I often thought: perhaps, my father must care for me. But, his time and energy are not enough, I need to wait for.


Gradually changing the mentality saved the cliff to break free of the birds.


Father's love, the beginning to flow to me...... Spring, called my attention to the body; summer, give me to buy

delicious watermelon; in autumn, told many times; in winter, put on a piece of clothes... Eager to get love I really get what you want! At this moment, waiting for the return of father already no longer unfamiliar, I bathed in father of the sun is so happy...



