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摘 要 信息技术发展的背景下,公共图书馆面对日益增长的读者需求,需要能够及时了解并掌握读者的兴趣爱好及阅读特征情况。本文通过分析各类用户行为数据来源及特征,从图书馆服务效能、个性化服务及创新管理模式等方面阐述了读者行为分析的目的和意义。 关键词 图书馆 读者访问 数据挖掘 行为分析 分类号 G252
DOI 10.16810/j.cnki.1672-514X.2016.10.017
Analysis and Application of Public Library User’s Behavior Based on Big Data Shi Yeming
Abstract Under the development of information technology, the public libraries face the
increasing needs of readers. They need to be able to understand and master the readers’ interests and reading characteristics in time. In this paper, through analyzing the source and characteristics of various types of user behavior data, it expounds the purpose and significance of the reader’s behavior analysis from the aspects of library service efficiency, personalized service and the innovation of management mode.
Keywords Library. Reader access. Data mining. Behavior analysis.
1 基于数据挖掘技术的图书馆用户行为分析