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231.—Whose book is this?

B.since C.unless

—It __________ Carter’s. It has his name on it. A.must be B.can’t be 232.-How do you prepare for your exam? - studying with groups. A.With A.Do care

B.For B.Care

C.By C.Be careful

C.could be

D.At D.To be careful

233.________when you cross the road.

234.—I heard that you got a great job. How are you going to ______it? —How about eating out? A.discuss B.celebrate Mouse.

A.about B.of C.with D.for 236.Jane really ________ your house. She dreams of having a house ________ yours.

A.like;like B.likes;like C.likes;likes D.like;likes 237.Lin Hui thinks she can learn a lot ______ talk shows. A.from B.about C.of D.on 238.Will you play a part ______ the animals? A.save B.to save C.in saving D.in save

239.Teachers shouldn't ask students to copy the words ______.It's simple and boring. A.again B.once again

C.over and over again D.again over and over 240.—Will there ______ any paper money in 100 years? —No,______.

A.have;there won't B.be;there won't C.have;they won't D.be;they won't

241.He’s going to practice ________basketball every day. A.play B.to play C.playing D.played 242.Sheep________white and milk________also white. A.is,are

A.hundreds; hundred C.hundreds ; hundreds 244.-What can I do for you? -I'd like ____________ to write on. A.some pieces paper C.some paper

B.some piece of paper D.some pieces of papers



B.hundred; hundreds D.hundred; hundred


243.There are ___________ of students in our school but only three ___________ are girls.



235.Lots of children know and love the black mouse ________ two large round ears—Mickey

245.The problem is very difficult, but he works it out _____________ . A.last

- _____________ . A.No,I'm not




246.-Let's make fruit salad.

B.Thank you

C.That's all right

D.That's a good idea

247.-The light is on. When you leave, please _____________ . -OK,I won't forget _____________ it. A.turn it off;to do C.turn on it; to do

248.—How do you like your new job, Mike? —It’s so ______. I don’t like it at all. A.boring B.bored A.active A.of A.will buy A.like A.if A.choose

B.outgoing B.with B.don't buy B.expect B.unless B.touch

C.exciting C.creative C.for C.buy C.miss C.although C.decide

D.excited D.serious D.to D.won't buy D.need D.until D.reach

B.turn off it;doing

D.turn it on; doing

249.My sister is a _________ girl. She always has many new ideas. 250.None of them can find out the answer ______ the question. 251.If I have enough money, I the ticket to the concert. 252.What a big surprise! I didn’t __________ to meet my primary school teacher at the airport. 253.You can't improve your spoken English you practice it everyday from now on. 254.Here are so many books! You can _________ any one to read.

255.— What great _________! You got first place in the singing competition. — Really? I’m so happy. A.information B.news



256.— More and more foreigners are becoming interested in Beijing Opera. — That’s true. It’s an important part of Chinese _________. A.culture B.service C.program 257.— Hi, Bob! What’s going on over there? — Oh, Tom and Dick are playing chess, with a crowd of students watching them.(同义替换) A.happening A.to open A.funnier A.What C.How A.in

B.to B.appearing B.open B.fun

C.working C.opening C.funny B.How a D.What a C.for

D.with D.playing D.for opening D.more funny

258.The girl couldn't wait the gifts after the party. 259.John is______than Peter.

260._____________ wonderful The Reader is! Many people enjoy the TV program.


261.Some teenagers don't tell others their secrets. They keep them _________ themselves.

262.—Mom,I want to be ________ best student in our class. —What ________ great news!But you need to work harder,Bill. A.a,a B.a,/ C.the,a D.the,/

263.I can give you lots of on how to improve your speaking skills. A.advice A.as A.share


B.from B.break

C.for C.promise


D.like D.pollute

264.My brother studies in the same school ________ me.

265.To see more blue skies in our city, we shouldn’t ________ the air. 266.— I’m really sorry to know that people fish too often in this area. —Yes. This means some rare birds will have food. A.fewer and fewer C.bigger and bigger

267.–Your spoken English is much better.

--Thank you. My teacher often asks us ________ English as ________ as possible. A.to speak; many

B.not to speak; much C.to speak; much

D.not to speak; more

268.—Jack didn't go to bed ________ 12 o'clock last night. — That's why he was late for school this morning. A.until — ________ A.Yes, you need. C.Yes, you have. A.keep A.too; to

B.to keep B.to; too

B.No, you mustn't. D.No, you needn't

C.keeping C.much, to




269.—Must I hand in my homework now?

B.less and less D.more and more

270.Mary, if you promise ________ quiet in my office, you can stay here. 271.The box is _______ heavy for the boy _______ lift.

272.I predict there will be ______ trees and _____ pollution in the future. A.few, little B.fewer, more C.less, more D.more, fewer 273.—Jane can always do better than other students in many ways.Why? —Because she always takes everything ________.

A.cheaply B.comfortably C.beautifully D.seriously 274.--Don't forget __________ the door when you leave. -- I won't.

A.lock B.locking C.to lock D.locks

275.---There is going to ______ a concert this Sunday. Would you like________ with me? --- Sure, I’d love to.

A.be; to go B.have; to go C.be; going D.have; going

276.一Hurry up, Mark! Let's cross the road as quickly as possible.

一No,you . Don't you see the light is still red? A.couldn't B.wouldn't C.mustn't D.needn't 277.一Why do some wild birds fly to the south? 一 from the cold winter here.

A.Hide B.Hides C.To hide D.Hiding

278.一Many wild animals lose their lives because people hunt them. 一 We should them.

A.take a pity to B.have a pity on C.have pity to D.take pity on

279.During the break,most of the students were reading in the classroom while the rest . A.was chatting B.is chatting C.were chatting D.are chatting 280.—Can you come to play chess with me? — ________ A.No, I can't. A.Forward

B.Yes, I'd like.


C.Sure, I'd love to.

D.Yes, I'd love.

281.Which word of the following doesn’t have the same stress as the others?


282.If you are ______ tomorrow,you can bring all the ______. A.available;available newspapers B.available;newspapers available C.not available;available newspapers D.not available;newspapers available

283.I ______some gifts from my friends,but I didn't ______ them. A.received;accept B.accepted;receive C.receive;accept D.accept;receive 284.We would like ______ the mountains. A.to take a trip B.take trips to C.take a trip to D.to take trips to 285.Don't forget ______to my question. A.to answer B.to reply C.replying D.answering

286.They invited us ________ their country house for the weekend. A.with —Yes,________. A.I'd like — Yes, there are. A.Are; /

B.I'd love to

C.I would love

D.I do

288.— _______ there _______ two football matches here tomorrow?

B.Is; going to be

C.Are; going to be




287.—Can you go to the park with me?

289.—Would you like to watch TV with me? —________, but I have to clean my room first. A.Not bad

B.Yes,I'd love to

C.You're welcome

D.I'm sorry to hear


290.— Is your friend British or American? — ________. She is Canadian. A.Both B.Either

291.—Why do you want another job,Julia?

—Because I think my present (现在的) job is ________,and it always makes me feel ________. A.boring,boring C.bored,bored A.doesn’t he go -Only a big bowl. A.How long A.with A.actually

B.How many B.of B.finally

C.How far C.in C.usually

D.How much D.at D.hardly

294.My father is going to fill the basket ______oranges.

295.After training for two months, we _______ won the first prize for the competition. 296.The girl _____ a new computer for herself next year. A.buy B.buys C.is buying D.is going to buy

297.My father always makes us _________ a lot of time _________ some math problems. A.to spend; work on C.spend; working on

B.spending; working on D.to spend; to work on

B.didn’t he go

B.bored,boring D.boring,bored

C.not to go



292.Why ______________shopping with you yesterday? 293.- corn do we need to make the popcorn? 298.—Would you like to join us in playing basketball? —________, but I'm afraid I have to study for my science test. A.I wouldn't A.clean

B.I'd love to B.cleaning

C.I'd like C.to clean

D.I don't like it D.cleaned

299.Could you please the room? 300.— _______ did the China International Import Expo open? — On 5th November, 2018. A.When

一、选择题 题号 答案 1 A 2 C 3 C 4 C 5 C 6 D 7 C 8 C 9 C 10 D 11 D 12 C 13 B 14 B 15 D 16 C 17 D 18 D B.Where





